Do we need a wipe?

Boundless needs a politics system ^^

No thank you lol


Oh its there under the dark underbelly lol

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As a landlord myself I know ;3

Well to be fair I appreciate having the discussion even if it comes down to just a few folks going back and forth. I don’t use 3rd party programs to talk to others and in game people tend to want to play and not discuss these things so the forum is the only place I can discuss thoughts or brainstorm things with others. If it’s just 5 people going around and around then I’d say just let them, as long as they’re being polite and civil to each other. That’s how understandings come about.

Understanding how someone views something and why they view it that way is good for all of those involved.


I wonder if people who dont visit forums/discord are aware we’re even discussing wiping out all of their work lmao. Imagine logging on one day after a break with your gleam club going and you log into nothing :joy:.

This beacon issue isn’t a reason for a wipe. They can turn this off/remove (hopefully) fairly easily

I’m going to attempt to make a list of why a wipe could be beneficial but i may also include how I can do it without a wipe.

  1. Fresh start. I like fresh starts. I can perfect my build and redo it the way I want to.
    I can do this without a wipe

  2. The most known communities/portal networks/malls and shop owners may quit/lose interest, allowing new communities/portal networks a chance to thrive in their place.
    Can be done without a wipe, maybe a bit harder to get recognition/loyal base of users

  3. New worlds with better resource distribution, new resources
    New worlds can be added at anytime (server cost could be an issue though)

  4. Experience the early game again. Nostalgia, etc.
    Can do this anytime. Delete your beacon/character

  5. Experience the story again. We don’t have a story/quest system. They could add one but a wipe wouldnt do anything for that. We could easily make a new character/playthrough with our main.

  6. The new game+ conversation. As above, there’s no quests that made us choose one way or another so we would not be able to go back and choose another route in Boundless.

  7. I don’t like my neighbors.
    Move. Start over somewhere else. Same as a wipe

  8. (I’m trying here) idk…Technical reasons. If technical reasons would be the reason for a wipe I would be more open to it after hearing what the technical reason is.

Anything a wipe would solve can be done without a wipe. Alternatively, a new planet made specifically for wiping could be made, i’ll link the post from a while back with my idea that piggybacked off of @Xaldafax


This right here. You are condescending and speak from a position of unearned authority. If James wants this feedback, he can create a thread and ask targeted questions. Given that you are the one with the agenda that a wipe is a good idea, there is no reason you should be advocating for anything. You aren’t a neutral party.


Its like he wants to have a discussion but only if you are in his camp lmao. Thats not how discussions work regardless what the MSM tells you lol. Theres no exchange of ideas if your idea is the only one that counts /facepalm I dont agree with a wipe yet no one for a wipe has explained what exactly it does or fixes really. The ones opposed just dont want to lose their hard work and thats a valid fact sorry.


Agreed, if that’s the route that is chosen.

James just suggested 3 ways of dealing with it, changing nothing at all being one of them. If that’s the option that was chosen then I’d support a wipe because you’ve just forced several people to soft wipe anyways. Like the lighting change did for a lot of people who had to ‘adapt’ (redo their builds/soft wipe). Why are soft wipes fine to impose on small groups of players and not those who aren’t impacted?

As I just told Xal in a PM this game is clearly in an Early Access / Open beta state. The changes it is undergoing is not normal for a ‘release’ game. When all core changes are finished being made to the game a new universe should at the very least be created, if not a wipe.

Forging needs to be reworked. 3x3 strip mining has impacted the economy in a very adverse way. Most people have no real reason to buy anything. It’d be interesting to see the data on shop transactions and which items are bought/sold and which are hoarded via strip mining.

So let’s say forging got worked over or better yet the solution for dealing with forged gear strip miners is to use exo planets and their unique tested terrains as a way of forcing the playerbase to need to forge various types of tools (1x2 - cross mining, etc) there’s no real reason for them so very few people buy them/sale them. (Maybe I’m wrong but just what I have noticed).

The only way to handle that situation, it would seem, is to reset all the planets so the universe could be populated with the described planets and the hoarded materials would be purged instead of allowed to grow because of a wildly broken forging system.

If any of these problems can be addressed without a wipe then great, but I don’t see how you make changes like that intended to right a flooded economy and put in new ways of making sure things can’t be strip mined and have the same thing occur.

This is why having the discussion on a wipe is fruitful for the community. Reasons for why a wipe is seen as a need are addressed and the community can help the dev team hopefully solve some core issues and shut down the desire for a wipe. If those core issues can’t be fixed without a wipe, then that’s the solution depending , on a cost benefit analysis like has been mentioned each time this conversation has ever come up.


All these things you discussed can be done without a complete wipe. So not a good reason to erase peoples hard work imo. If anyone can “Change my Mind” im open.


I don’t want to change your mind. Instead of changing minds how about offer up ways to problem solve?

Edit: I don’t get this combative nature. Why post like that? I don’t want a wipe. Anyone asking for a wipe doesn’t really want one. We all lose everything as a result. A wipe is a last case alternative. If things can’t be solved then that is a problem.

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You’re not wrong.


My approach when dealing with this topic was to look at how you lower the friction that a wipe would cause. Along with really gaining clarity on where the “no go” line in the sand was for the group of people that didn’t feel it should happen. Only then can you really start to gain true understanding on the topic and how to deal with it.

A huge problem is I think most people don’t understand the real question behind the wipe discussion. As you boil things down from a game perspective the topic of a “wipe” should actually not matter. For me other things are more important. I say this a lot with people regarding technology. Many people look at the tech and how you do something… Instead it is the last thing you worry about and you focus on workflow, what you need, etc.

Whoever it was that said maybe we need to ask another question instead of should we wipe or not wipe was getting at a good point. I haven’t tried that hear yet because it can easily derail as well.

Ultimately it is really hard to have these types of conversations because everyone can fall into a give/take scenario or the CBA look at it. For those doing Dev and visioning for a long term you sometimes need to get abstract before you get concrete. For James that grey area is VERY important and much of my conversations fall into that area - do something or not, why would you or not, how would it look, does it even help, and most importantly what other areas if affects, etc…

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Yes you are right it could be perceived as being being condescending to the “community.” I apologize to the “community” that I didn’t take the time to wordsmith my words better. I wasn’t trying to look down on you. Let me rephrase:

The way the “community” has been “choosing” to act with a variety of threads is not really helping any of us have conversations. I implore the “community” to please take a step back, take some personal responsibility for your words and actions, and see where you might have said something in a way that caused some strife (etc) and try to fix it. Try to have more constructive conversations instead of just trying to prove why the person with the over view is wrong.

For “individual” people I did not call them out. Their actions speak for themselves. They can choose to do better or worse.

I have the ability to talk to the Devs and that right. I use if VERY sparingly and am very respectful of their time. They do value input from me (and any person that presents data to them). I will have the conversation without help or with help about a “wipe” because like I told @krasniy we need to make the game better and this conversation can bring to light things people want in the game. I am the type of person that prefers to have the conversation in public and get full “community” support. But, if people aren’t helping then I will just work with whomever I can to get the information across WHEN it is relevant. Right now the “wipe” is much lower on my list of things to talk about with a Dev. There are many more challenges we face. But the fear people have around their work and a wipe helps drive good “reasons” for things that need to be added to the game to make it more enjoyable.

Incorrect. There is public documented proof that I am not for a wipe at this time. I am actually a very neutral party. If you knew me better or read more detailed in my posts on this subject you would see that I do talk on both sides of the fence.

If you need to hear it again: I am for a wipe and against a wipe.

I do want to clarify my point since some took it incorrectly. If people start respecting both views (which I am seeing some of) then the topic stays in public. If people continue to be rude and dismissive of another party on this forum I will go private with them and help them find a vehicle to share their views.

I have said this before that people just need to allow people to share views and not shut them down. Have the conversation… if people do this we all get to play. But, it isn’t fair to cause threads to be closed (which has happened) because some people don’t like the idea.

If the idea has merit there will be discussion… if not it will die on the vine. All this fighting is keeping it alive longer.

Different questions would help, yeah. Although, getting input about how to deal with a wipe when it hasn’t even been decided if we need one could definitely lead people to view you as biased in favor of the wipe. I get that there are other good reasons to assume it will happen and look into mitigating any backlash it might cause, but presenting that view in itself would probably bring suspicion from others.

Normally, I’d even agree with the idea that players have no say in wether or not a game world gets wiped for development reasons; but boundless players have unfortunately entered into an agreement where they pay to keep their builds protected. That makes this an ethical and legal issue separate from peoples’ feelings. It depends heavily on what was promised and what the paperwork says.

I understand that dev work needs to be viewed in the way you’re describing, but there may be legal reasons why that can’t be approached ideally.

You are missing the point he was making or not seeming to at least acknowledge that you understand it.

Please read this again:

Having a discussion is what were having now I do see a need for a discussion if someone has plans to erase what has taken me a year to build of course I need a lot more then a “Maybe it might fix things.” SO again change my mind. What will this do for me as a long term supporting player positively? No mights or maybes just tangible things that might convince me. If you or others cant give me and others here that then its really just a troll isnt it?

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You skipped where I said I don’t want to change your mind.
You skipped where you were asked how can we problem solve.

Why are you missing these things? No one wants to wipe. We want to problem solve underlying issues that cause people to ask for a wipe or feel that that’s the reason for a wipe.

You said those things I listed could easily be solved. Ok. Please help provide these easy solutions.

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I feel you, but I think this whole thread is just hyperboyle though. Not to be taken as facts or anything like that, just hypotheticals and thoughts.

I even threw in a couple of theories and sarcastic statements lol.

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