Do we need Spark Batteries that we can add/remove any time we want

With the exo-planets coming out this would be a great idea. I have way more spark than coin.
@james take note of this one! :+1: x3

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It would be nice to have a battery form to transport spark. It would also be nice to have something like a spark dispersement box which would charge a set amount of coin per spark. You could wire up a whole city using one or more spark stations to provide spark to others that chose to use the grid

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I would love spark in a battery form. & already being converted, maybe make it an instant spark source once entered into a gen. That would create another market, also help out people that dont build spark #'s and forgot to watch before mass crafting.

I really like this idea. Having batteries would be really flexible and allow for unique economic opportunities. I’d love to see this implemented with some kind of filling station?