Does an axe with "0" damage, still break crops?

Headline asks it all. Making some wooden farming axes, got a damage defect that dropped the damage to 0. Kinda curious how it turns out…

Idk about 0… the ones I make usually end up with around 400dmg. Let me know if it works!

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Even with your character’s skills?

If it’s not a liquid collection tool and has 0 or negative dmg, it should still be able to use whatever dmg your character has.

Sometimes I buy negative dmg tools on purpose so that I don’t break the ground before I collect the item.


Correct so long that its no Liquid breaker it should break other “blocks” or at least attempt to.

We use wooden shovels with AOE 4 and no added damage and it breaks the crops. On tier 3 planet

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I think crops have about 10 health or something, so you could just attempt to get the damage as low as possible without going negative.

I can’t remember if there’s a defect for it, but -dmg could be a useful defect for it. I’ve considered it myself, but for now simply use the basic totems - The Wayfarer ones 1-hit all blocks on T1. :joy:

The Damage it quoted me, in the top menu was 0 (50?) or something… not just in the forge effects. Im not sure if character ability overrides or contributes to the base or forge damage after this number is displayed. I had a -300 damage defect. I figured, the purpose is to damage less, so that defect was perfect…

I’ll take screenshots of it tonight and test it… I promptly went to bed after forging it and posting.

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Are you able to aoe forge Tillers? As they only break crops, not blocks

Sadly they can’t be forged at this time… I would love to do aoe and durability :heart_eyes:


I agree, no accidental farm destroying :smile:

The answer is yes. “0” damage is still enough to break crops. I can swing this without fear!

I will be selling a few stacks of Farming Axe’s at Q-Mart in DK’s Mall. Including the other 8 of these.