Does anyone know of any very large open unplotted areas where I can start my Diagon Alley build

as the title says I am looking for a location to start my Diagon Alley build. I have one location but it means more time will be added to make the build as ill have to terra form a large amount of it

Gotta be more specific. How large? I recently did some building myself so I’m happy to help.

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I mean it depends because its either gonna be a flat location mostly with a large about 400 plot based location or if I get rid of my big build ill have about 1787 plots avalible to use… I kinda have to see a place first

Ok so about 20x20 plots?

You can view it here

no I mean 400 so 200x200

how do I navigate with this map its is awesome though I can see this helping me so much

20x20 is 400 plots. 200x200 is 40,000 plots

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lool my bad I cant math.

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Um just check your math is all :blush:
200x200 plots is 40,000 plots haha

llool yh just realised lool

On the plus side, 20x20 is way easier to find!

So it sounds like a flat area is ideal. You can also always build it elevated so terrain doesn’t matter as much.

I guess but to be fair expect it will grow as im basing the build from a Minecraft server im on that has done diagon alley to the max and it is insane.

yh preferable I would like flat land.

Let me know if you Need my excavation Services.
I run on aoe hammers and teaching pies.

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it would be great to have someone to help flatten the site once plotted if that’s ok.

Check the tier 2 planets, vast open areas on some as I remember.

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Trung and Dzassak are great for flat areas

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It’s ok I can’t math either recently did a 32x32 area totally didn’t count it right lol

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