Does guild healing buff work with campfires..?

I doubt it does, but has anyone checked?

Also, how much healing does the max level buff do? Is it worthwhile on hunts or is it just like 25 health per sec or something?

there is this video if it help.

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Awesome! Can you guild align campfires…?

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I do not believe campfires have that option

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Thanks, this looks like it would be fun but if people didn’t clean up the beacons after it’ll ruin the landscape.

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that is true. always seemed like a interesting buff to have. Wonder if it would keep you alive in lava with the lava protection buff added also.


Not sure, wouldn’t you drown eventually?

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I have never noticed if the drowning debuff applies when in lava. I’m usually trying to grapple out haha.


That should be an achievement… drown in lava :joy:

Would also make for an interesting guild induction ceremony.


Now I am curious. I will be running a hunt on Till this week so may have to check.

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You could just drag the mobs into lava if it works.

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I did something similar when on Till a week ago. I grappled some blocks over lava and lured the ground forces from a meteor into lava for a quick victory.


I can see it now… A cuttletrunk grappled, being dragged to its fiery doom…

“Wut? Wut… Wut…?! NOo! … … Wow… (rly bro?)”


Its a fun time. Swing by and check it out. I post announcements on discord for the hunts. Wednesday and Thursdays.

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Do you have a discord link? I need to get into hunting

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This is one to the Guild i belong to.

Go into Hunt announcement channel and type !hunter

this will make it so you are pinged for hunts

I did try this the day they came out. It works but only for guild members. Bit of a pain to set up each meteor.

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Yeah it does look impractical for a decent group.

dude great idea. I was hunting on Till the other day and kept jumping over stocks so they’d run in, this would have gotten it done in half the time.

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