Does The Game Have Permanent Beacons?

Hello all,

I played this game a good chunk when it first hit PS4 and loved it. Long story short my beacon fuel ran out and the world took back a lot and I decided I can’t go through that again. I just got an email mentioning people abusing beacon reservations and what not. Did they add a permanent type of beacon? I may have misread it, and where might the best place to find these kinds of patch notes is it under the Devlog area, do they have certain titles? It doesn’t look like that area is just for update and patch notes. Thanks for the help :smiley:

No permanent beacons but gleam club gets you close in a way. The reservation system abuse is a different thing than what you are asking about.

Ahh sad day. Thanks for letting me know.

There will never be actual permanent beacons unfortunately. However, this has a very good reason :slight_smile:

Nobody plays a game forever, so if permanent beacons were introduced, all worlds would fill up infinitely and you’d end up with not only dead cities, but entirely dead planets!

There is beacon fuel that lasts 3 months, i’d just put a little alarm on your phone/computer a week before those run out, that way you’re always safe :slight_smile:


Need any help getting started up again? I’m more than happy to help with items, coin and building mats. I can even get people to come help you rebuild your base :blush:


How easy is it to make the 3 month fuel?

You can buy it for like 1500 coins. Greater Beacon Fuel, just search in the Knowledge tab. It’s super cheap.

It may be easier to buy some when you are just starting.
If you dont have a lot of coin I can give you some I have laying around to get you started.

I dont use it anymore since I have GC

Oh yeah I barely remember that. Hmm that’s ok I don’t think I’ll be coming back until there’s a more permanent solution. Thank you though.


There will be creative worlds eventually.

Also you could join a guild and get them to fuel your beacon for you.

Yeah, I have heard that before and I’m not looking to rely on others. I shall just wait and see where the game goes.

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Don’t you have a shop in my mall btw? Or is there more than one pumpkin king.

Nope, not me. I have nothing in the game as it all got wrecked.