Does your PlayStation 4 fan sound like it's about to take off on a runway

So if your PlayStation 4 sounds loud and you can hear the fan attempting to blow the heat out the back or maybe your PlayStation 4 overheats on games that demand a lot of power. I can tell you now that you should only replace your thermal paste if you’ve had your station for about 8 years other than that it’s probably not hard and crusty. The biggest problem with the overheating is your heat sink it’s a square chamber with thin metal plates that the fan blows the air through to dissipate the heat that your APU puts out while running. Your Apu is connected to your motherboard which you apply thermal paste to then this simply sits on top of your heat sink and on the bottom half of your heatsink are these thin Chambers those chambers get clogged very easily. But even if you’ve cleaned it before it’s very hard to clean the opposite side that faces the propeller to the fan. But it is doable I will show a couple pictures but in a nutshell you remove one screw from the back of your PlayStation 4 and then remove the bottom plastic cover to your PlayStation. Remove your power source and then you’ll have access to your heatsink. Just Google how to remove your power source it takes about 5 minutes to get access to this area. And I promise you it’s worth it. Once you spent the time cleaning it out you should be able to use a flashlight to see directly through the chambers. And once you do this your PlayStation will be so quiet will be worried your fan no longer works.

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