Dragon hob is one of the largest portal housing stations in boundless. So to help people contribute to the fueling of these portals that they keep open for us leading to the higher tier planets I will be buying oorts at Lucky 7 shop just outside the dragon’s mouth at 200 coin each.$1 million coin worth. Any oorts sold to this basket at Lucky 7 will be donated to the dragon hub. This way you can have some of your cake and eat it as well. As well as after any hunt that I go to I will be donating 100 oort to the leader of that hunt . We all see the donation baskets out there let’s do our part and help fuel the harder to fuel portals. If you’ve ever tried to open up a portal to some of the higher tier planets you will notice how expensive it is to keep open. Also randomly I will be posting on the universal channels giveaways if you meet up with me( girl) on the planet I request within a certain time limit. Also to get new players to join the game anyone can post on any social media or tell a friend . Let’s get more players. Any player who would like a portal to Lucky 7 shop that only is only a 1x2 portal conduit required to be open will be fueled by me and cost nothing for as long as I am on boundless.
and dragon hub is buying oorts for 550? i dont understand…
It means you’re “donating” by selling at a lower price than market to support the hub.
I see, I don’t understand such philanthropy.
I’m buying oorts and then whatever people sell me I’m donating to dragon hub for free. Basically I’m giving them a million dollars to buy oorts at $200 lol I’m just trying to help.
I see, that’s very nice of you! thanks for clarifying to a simple oortian…
thanks for trying to explain lol… I get it now.
everyone should put up basket for free oort and baskets buying oort so you give them the choose on how they wan to support you or your guild
Thank you to those of you who have donated your hard earned oort . Today there was 702 oort donated to dragon hub from lucky 7 shop basket donations. All orrts get donated and all get credit .
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