Dragon Statue

Here’s the finalized dragon statue, still have to work on the floor and decorations, but I’m happy with how it’s turned out.

If you want to come and see it in person, be sure to come to Dragons Watch


This is so good, I saw it in DanBeforeTime’s video and was just like “woooooooooooow”. Incredible work my friend, I hope one day I can build as good as you!


I was there when you finished it, it looks amazing :smiley:


Made one in minecraft ones but with boundless you can add so much more detail on a smaller scale.
It looks awesome!


Really liked watching you build that!


i didn’t XD He spent half of his life building it :smiley:


Good job Dzchan! :smiley:


Spent the other half gathering the resources :slight_smile:


give us the blue print! :grin:

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Forgot to mention that the concept and general blue print was obtained from a youtube video.

All I did was add some more detail and change things with the chisel

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I had nearly believed you came up with this yourself x3 … well still awesome

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I’m not a good builder as you people believe me to be

You just need a vision, and just go for it, when i build something bigger i just need to bring enough patience, since mostly i start building it out of one blocktype, getting the shape first, which i than adjust and change until im satisfied, than i change blocks to bring in some detail and style, and i keep changing things that come into my mind till i reach the point where i can’t imagine it any better. I guess with enough time, this way everyone can build nice stuff :smiley:

Oh I’ve changed up the original design many times, specially the wings. Until i was satisfied.

I wouldn’t take any credit away from you, still an impressive feat!