Dragon’s Lair
Token Hunt - Dragon’s Lair City
We at Dragon’s Lair are having a Search and find (Token hunt).
We would like to invite everyone to visit our settlement, explore and pick up a few tokens for prizes along the way =)
Event Located Next to hub!
The Rules are simple
Rule 1. 11 stands are hidden around Dragon’s Lair. All the places are accessible to the public, if a door is locked there is not a token behind it.
Rule 2. Collect 1 token from each stand you find.
Rule 3. You are welcome to share where you find the tokens but do your best to explore the city and find the tokens by yourself first. Do Not Share locations in the forum.
Rule 4. The Hidden Jackpot stand will have 1 token at a time and be moved after each find.(Max. 5 player, 500k coin each). Hints will be published if no one finds it. Can only be claimed once =)
Rule 5. Join the temporary guild(will be disbanded after the event)to access your prize chest with your name on it and place your tokens for redemption inside.
Send me a PM in game or Discord DwarfTree#9189 when tokens are deposited and ill place your prizes in the chest.
Prizes are as follows
1 Token = 3 Regen Bombs
2 Tokens = 1 SS Unforged Wayfarer Totems
3 Tokens = 2 SS Slingbow Augments
4 Tokens = 50 Mega Fast and 50 Mega Strenght Brews
5 Tokens = 450 Rough Topaz
6 Tokens = 3 Long range(emerald) Grapples, Hookshot upon request
7 Tokens = 3 T6 Speed hammers
8 Tokens = 1 SS Gleambow Augments
9 Tokens = 1 Weather Clearer Totem
10 Tokens = 50 Rough Oort
11 Tokens = First 10 get 100k Jackpot Prize*, After jackpots given out 50 Rough Umbris
12 Tokens (Hidden Jackpot), Max. 5 player, 500k coin each
*If won hidden jackpot Rough umbris takes the place for 100k coin.
Event runs :2022-11-02T05:00:00Z- 2022-12-01T05:59:00Z
Access to Dragon’s lair from TNT, Ultima US East-Maryx, EZPZ, Valhalla, DK Mall, Raxxian Sanctuary
The tokens are a phrase, and portal tokens(shop stands are in hidden mode so cant find with the knowledge tab)
No token hidden in water world, but do feel free to explore it plenty of exciting things there =)
No token is other side of the west river.
1* A place of work
2* Check the twins
3* A place of stature
4* Farmers favor this area
5* Gotta get the water flowing
6* Float like a butterfly sting like a bee
7* Why are there 5 green rings?
8* You buff believe it
9* High up in a place of color
10* Storm the castle
11* Not all who wander are lost in the dark