When forging, if you use vigour catalyst straight after corrupted boon combound then the debuff is never applied. With draining boon combound the debuff is applied once even though vigour catalyst gives bonus for all 3 rounds. Is this intended or a bug?
If I understand this correctly, the following was carried out:
- A round was activated for one of the Corrupted Boon Compound items and has generated a Level 1 Corrupted Debuff.
- Then a Vigour Catalyst was used. This removes the debuff.
- Afterwards, a round was activated for the Draining Boon Compound, which generated a Level 1 Vigour Drain debuff.
- As with before, using a Vigour Catalyst removes the debuff.
Was that how it was done?
That was perfect example.
As you can see corruption boon combound doesn’t add any defect points.
Draining boon combound adds quirk points, but that is ok, since it says that it will do so instanly. But the vigour points are the problem. If draining boon compound would work same way as corruption, then the vigour points would be 1680 in the last picture instead of 1660.
Thanks for following up. I’ll add this to the database for someone to look at.
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