
I’d have to disagree with the insanely customizable part. Here’s my take:

We have a lot of things as a community that we can work on in 1.0 right now. We want to be able to PvP eventually, but we also want this permanence to this world. So, I think that if the Devs implement a fun, more functional PvE to begin with, and then released a fully functional PvP later, it will tie into the world’s history. We came, we mined, we built. Then strife. As land was taken up via beacon placement, etc. contention over resource sharing arose. Then we get the ability to fight.

As far as the customization, I think that it’s important in a game like this where the worlds are player built, and eventually reflect player’s work to have vastly different individuals who are identifiable by their appearance.

Yes, I’m in favor of a functional and fun PvE first as well. All I’m saying that in this game, there doesn’t necessarily have to be a ton of options and sliders to make a unique character. Give a bunch of color options, different eyes, different head-horn things, maybe some sliders for body size, height, whatever, should be good to go.


In my opinion, no … not really … there will be plenty of variation in creatures for you to get to grips with and practice on before you even get to battle a titan and protectors.

I guess that’s why they’re currently working on all the creatures as the next set of updates… not to mention the current daily reveal on character progression, which I am guessing will also affect warriors in some manner as well.

I’ve never really been a fan of PVP, and to be honest, I don’t think liking it (or even disliking it) is something that you can attribute to a persons age (I’m 40+ and know people from all age ranges that either like or dislike PvP in equal measure).

However, that said, I would be perfectly happy with arena / dueling as a simple implementation of PvP as long as PvE players are not forced into it. By that I mean, they’re not locked out of content areas with resources that only a PvP player would be happy to go after, and not forced into a situation where they need to defend themselves against other players just because they unwittingly strayed into a area marked for PvP without realising.

Personally, and this is swayed by my own non-PvP preferences, I don’t think PvP needs to be in 1.0. Although, to satisfy the players that do prefer PvP over pure PvE, I think it should definitely be a consideration for immediately after 1.0 release (and dare I say it … before things like farming are introduced :persevere:).


I’m in favour of getting the overall game and features finished first, however I’m definitely showing my support for PVP related features should that be a possibility.

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Totally agree with the two above me. Let’s focus first on the strong points of Boundless. It’s mostly an exploration and building community stuff game (at least as of now). I believe combat mechanics planned by the Devs aren’t even competitive enough for us to experience the “intense” feeling of dueling…which I’ve already accepted even if I’m disappointed by that (you just can’t have everything it seems)

With that said, we can probably start to focus more on PVP once combat is at least decent enough for a good PVP fight.

Some thoughts in making PVPs more fun even if combat is not that good:
In an arena for example, give the duelist enough time to build anything (obstacle, towers, tunnels) before the battle begins :grin:


I was thinking about this and I thought another option would be PvP world’s, where players would only be focused on building arenas.

So the same PvP beacon functionality that existed before but restricted to specific world’s. That way people aren’t going to get griefed except by some elaborate trap a player has designed, which would be quite fun in my opinion!

Players can warp in and out at when they please, but would rarely consider building their home there.

On the other hand a guild could decide to go PvP and set up a PvP base.

Then just turn off all common resources and boost rare resources on the world, gives players an incentive to risk going there whilst needing some sort of a pve base as well.

I think PvP should also expose at least some of your inventory on death. Maybe the first in a stack or just resources or just tools etc.

But all that said, if you’re considering PvP you need to consider it for 1.0, plan it out. It’ll have ramifications across the board and so far mechanics balancing doesnt appear to have much foresight :blush: