
It might be cool to implement a dueling feature which other mmo’s have. I could picture players building an arena, and then hosting epic dueling events or even battles, with rewards being player driven depending on what the host puts up. I think this game has so much possibility as an mmo (and even somewhat as an mmorpg) as it is entirely player driven.

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Hi Deadmoose,

It sounds like you are pitching for some form of combat based PvP. Unfortunately this isn’t something we are looking at for Boundless 1.0. (1.0 is when the game comes out of early access and becomes a live title.)

1.0 is being treated as the discovery and colonisation version. Where players come together to build cities and discover new worlds to see what dangers and rewards they hold. But it does not mean 1.0 will be the final version.

Hopefully with a strong and passionate community we hope we can deliver new versions which introduce new features and mechanics players have been asking for in the forums.

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Makes sense! Just wanted to throw that idea out there. Is 1.0 going to have the Titan battles as advertised on the website? Would love to be involved in some play testing for this (long time MMORPG player so I could provide some good feedback I think).

Edit: Also, by versions do you mean updates/expansions? Versions in my mind feels like a server wipe and a restart D:

Yes, I’m pretty sure he does

I believe that they wont be doing any wipes after 1.0


So even the PvP Beacons that were already ingame in the early days aren’t going to be a thing? And neither MMO-like duels will be?
As PvP enthusiast I’m quite disappointing now…


That wasn’t a never… just not at 1.0


Yeah I know, but let’s be realistic. What are the chances that they implement some decent PvP retrospectively after 1,0?
By then the game will be balanced around a PvP-less environment, so what we’ll get will probably be some paltry and irrelevant PvP, at most.

I also think that at least the PVP-Beacons schould be ingame … just for fun. I remember having a LOT of good times in those pvp arena beacon a long while ago in deep alpha and it would be a real waste if this (at least this) is not part of 1.0 …

PLEEEEEAAAAASE … let us build cool arenas and have fun … just switch on player damage in there, stop item dereg, let us be respawned in there and let us leave with the security port for zero costs out of it (so it will be save to go there with no negative effect) … Simple to add, big in fun, GOOD FEATURE to use in Ads! :wink:


Hmm really? If there is already code for it in game, why not?

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Someone could beacon an area as a pvp zone and another player has no idea, then boom. They are dead.

It opens up a lot of negative elements for people who do not like Pvp. Now PVP is very popular, especially for younger players but the majority tend to prefer a PvE environment.

As a personal thought on this subject. I would rather have a fully thought out and designed Pvp system which was fair and clear as opposed to just flipping a switch on a beacon to say if it is on or off.

A poorly made Pvp system will drive people away. We’ve all seen it happen before.


Yeah, think that makes sense. Well, it is good to know that it might be a possibility someday.


Give pvp beacons a faint red glow so that you see them deforestation entering. Could be visible only from 25 blocks away to not destroy the nice view over some spots…

And I’m 34 als love some pvp now and then… And most RPG players I know playing more pvp are mostly my age ore older… Kids have no “you know what I mean” these days :stuck_out_tongue:

Having no pvp would be a big waste, even in 1.0. I would feel greatly discouraged because I don’t see good arguments against some pvp in the game.


This is an issue concerning almost all open-world games with PvP. Luckily there is already a prevalent solution to prevent “accidental PvP participation” :wink:

Totally agree with you. I don’t see myself enjoying this game for too long if there isn’t any PvP, even if the rest is going to be amazing.


That isn’t the best example to solve this situation. What happens if you log in and someone has changed the area around you to PvP? As well as many more scenarios.

Honestly, if PvP finds it way into the schedule it will be done in a much better and fair way. PvP is something I am a huge fan of too, but there are so many features we want to get to first. Once they are all in place we can reassess what the next important things are. :slight_smile:


Isn’t “logging-in in an location that got beaconed since your last visit” something that has to be addressed anyway?
I mean I could beacon that area and completely fill it with stone, or I could place a lava sea, or just dig a deep hole so the player falls to his death when he logs in again…

Generally I just think that PvP is a necessity for a game in this genre. One just has to look at Rust and its servers that are bursting with players, although there is just as much content as in Boundless, but with a lot more bugs, and compare it to the player numbers of Boundless…


One would think those numbers are more down to a number of other factors like: the huge publicity it had and the support from Steam, the realistic art style, the marketing it had and the fact it is made by the team behind Garry’s Mod helps too. :slight_smile:

If more people were vocal about this too then it would be a higher priority for us. But it looks like people are more excited to get a better combat system, character progression, new creatures, titans and temples to play.


I’m not a big fan of pvp but I would really enjoy if there was a duel system like in borderlands. No unwanted pvp while players are still able to have pvp fights in arenas without having multiple beacon types

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That sure got them the sale numbers but i think what keeps their players at bay is definitely the PvP: And that’s what i meant to say: PvP is a relative easy way to ensure long-time motivation, as opposed to PvE content.

Sure, as these are the core mechanics of Boundless, and I’m definitely not saying that you should drop everything you work on right now and focus on PvP, but I think that releasing without decent PvP would drive away at least as many players as a poorly made one would do, if not more.
And there is definitely a quite sizable and vocal crowd that supports the idea of PvP. I’ve been following these forums for almost two years now and the thing almost every new player asks about first is “how’s the PvP going to look?”

Here’s just a short list of such threads:


And there have also been countless suggestions from our “veterans”


PvP option for Beacons

World GvG concept, Siege alternative. Community Warfare (Updated)

PvP/GvG minigame zones idea

Guild v Guild combat, Sieges, World, Influence, Arena, Rewards

[After 1.0] Eternal Memories: War of the Oortians

To just name a few prominent ones.

Not even counting the plethora of discussions regarding PvP.
So PvP is definitely everything but unheeded.


I have to disagree. The topic “PvP” has been addressed several times and there has always been an audience. Not the “majority” but also not too small. Till now the devs answer was always something like “not in 1.0” and therefore i gave up on this topic.

I’m a big fan of PvP too and I’d like to see it at 1.0. It could be possible to allow only devs (or the world builder) to place PvP regions. So there is no problem with players who set up a PvP region. It could be also possible to allow the “champs” (maybe 1-5 players) to get villager rights and are able to build in the PvP beacon to create obstacles and a nice arena.

@Vastar: Thanks for the summary :slight_smile:

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Look though, my whole point for bringing this up is if this game is going to sell people on the idea that they can be solely a warrior, solely a crafter, solely a gatherer, etc., then I think it really needs to establish being a warrior with more of a robust system. If warriors are expected to grappling hook up to a Titan and fight epic battles, doesn’t it make sense for these warriors to be able to practice on each other?

As it stands now, even if pvp were such a thing, what would it entail? Just running around and swiping your hammer/axe at someone else or shooting your bow at them, similar to the combat I’m seeing with monsters (which needs work). From where I see it, the gathering/building aspect of this game is great (granted I’ve never played Minecraft, I have nothing to compare it to), but the combat/warrior aspect of this game should be the next be task to accomplish imho. Well…that and character creation (but I don’t think it really needs to be insanely customizable in this game).

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