[Dzassak] Leas - shop opening

Hi there!

I’ve been playing for more than half a year, but I never introduced my shop on the forums, so welcome to Dzassak’s Leas!

I sell forged stuff!

And some other random goods that I try to keep well-stocked!
I don’t swap items in my shopping stands, so if something has been sold, I will stock it up.

How to get there?

Go to Dzassak via TNT MegaHub:

Turn left and enter Leas:

Shop will be in front of you when you enter the portal. :shopping_cart:

:moneybag: I try to keep my prices in the lower levels, so if you see something that you consider to be overpriced, please, let me know, I will update my pricing.

Stop by if you have a chance! :slight_smile:


What a unique name!

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