Easy Vendor System

The problem is that if he sells it it would force a set value of said item, and remove the player influence from the economy.

Not necessarily. The vendor could be limited on the number of items it sells by the amount, type, and level of items being sold to it. Thus the more work the player puts into it, the better it becomes (my original point).
As for the value of the item, it could work to have the values set by players of a district and as with any game’s auction house, the next town could undercut you, but that is economics.

Thats how Economy works… It’s tough if you get into it to be honest, but you dont see any of this as kid or maybe even as teenager you get into it as soon as you grow up. I dont say I understand it because I’m new to it like the most of us I guess, still I know its not honey and pie.

Well no actually not… you seem to not understand what the diffrence is.

An auction house is something diffrent ^^ But for Vendors the Prices should be set by Players, but maybe there should be an way to show Players, while setting the prices, how the common price for an Item is, that does change the whole time of course.

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No because the “owner”/employer of the vendor can change the price as he sees fit. creating a flow in the economy.

But that doesn’t do anything about the locked price? That would only help to make prices more set in stone because we have a vendor that is always willing to buy for a set price.

I am not sure I follows what you mean here?

I don’t feel that should be a thing, if players want to know what price other people sell at let them go out exploring and doing some market analyzing.

I meant competing against each other like in a community, a city against itself. I like the idea of cities competing against each other.

The reason I called the vendor a “drop” is because it’s still a form a “earning” a reward.

The reason we keep saying auction house is because the conversation has steered away from vendors. I believe an auction house is its own thing and a true example of economic competition. I meant this post as a way to “fill a town with NPCs that have purpose” and really nothing more.

This conversation is going around in circles unfortunately. But in summary it seems like people would rather just have a standard RPG style auction house and that is all.

I know what you mean and I’m talking about Vendors not Auction Houses. But People will do competitions everytime, everywhere thats in the Nature of Humans…

How can you say in summary? Its only us 3 xD
Also I never said I want an Auction house but that it would be another thing that can be implemented. I dont like them because NPC Vendors are way better, they fill up places and thats what has to be done in every sanbox game. And thats something only some very small amout of Sandbox games have.

I think you are misunderstanding what we are trying to say. I will make a visual representation tomorrow (Probably a really ugly one as I am really bad at drawing)

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I think that is way to much work youre doing xD But whatever :smiley:

The idea of vendors was just a way to more-or-less “fill a city with NPCs” and not make it look so barren. I agree with the idea of an auction house as a competitive economic system, but that was not my topic.

What I was looking for was a way to walk into a guild or group run city and see things being sold in the city. I do agree with the idea of only selling what people make, but as I previously stated, keeping all those things organized would be quite a mess. That’s why I had the idea of specialized shops, unless those shops could only buy specific things and then have anyone in the guild or group have the ability to change the price on those things as a whole. Then the money could go into a group “bank” (as some RPG games have) and be available to all members.
Now as anyone in the group could set the prices, then that will lead to competition between cities, other guilds, and other groups and probably promote travel and interactions with other players’ groups to find the best prices or specific items.

Thank you everyone who commented. I was actually hoping for a nice debate to see what people are actually looking for. Let me rework some stuff base on your ideas and come up with something better. Again, Thanks.

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But people keep misunderstanding this so it will be much easier afterwards.

There is a guy on the Stonehearth forum who got tired of telling people how to make the game update to latest build so he just made a gif of it :smiley:

Not at all, People can still make more vendors in Diffrent Shops to sell things by theme. But these themes shouldnt be set at all maybe the player doesnt think that lets say Wheat is a plant but food, or otherwise.

When I said exactly THAT thing you siad I was talking about auction houses… xD

lol xD

Personally, if it there will already be NPCs, perhaps they can simply be merchants of sorts. Actually. I just gave myself an idea…

Simple merchants is where this all started and was greatly turned down. No worries as the whole idea has been re-thought.