
Continuing the discussion from Beacon Persistence:

Making a new topic because this is something people could end up talking a lot about:

Short explenation in danish school system is necesary for this:
First school goes from class 0 to 9 (10th is taken as a seperat class for spcial branches of education or if you are undecided) During 9th class a lot of schools do a week or something trip out of the country to see something else (I was in germany)

After that there is a variety of choices but if you want to take higher education (university and so on) a 3 year highschool is necesary (or a 2 year specialised on but that requiere 10th grade) Highscools in denmark is where the first specialization choises happen.

Roughly there is 5 kinds: IB (International education roughly the same everywhere in the world)
HF (the specialiced one where you need 10th grade here you choose basically all the classes you take)
STX (STudent eXamn, most normally choosen have a variety of different class sets you can pick and choose from)
HHX (Higher trade examn, this one have a focus on economy related classes and how the market works and so on) and then
HTX (Higher Technical eXamn) thats the one I take.

HTX was originally made so the education system could spew out more engineer at my school there are basically 5 different class sets:
Science physics, focus on scientific and mathamatical class with high level physics (this is the one I am doing)
Science biology focus on scientific and mathamatical class with medium level biology
Technology Focus on product developement and problem solving
Kommunikation and IT basically is in the name eh?
All of the classes have high level math mid level english and most of the natural sciences on medium level or lower

Then comes the fifth class set, it is mostly made to get students from other part of the country,
Game It, a class set focused on developemnt and understanding of video games, and they have taken it quite far. If you are analyzing literature anyway, why not use a game? If you are discussing physics anyway why not use a game? Most of the education have been turned around and build around the video games and how they work. With this comes also game jams and so on arranged at the college they live on.

Well anyway the school gets a lot of extra funds from this and quite a lot of these is used for the 3rd year trip to USA where they use 3 weeks learning and getting education from other schools and getting show how the game industry works and 1 week derping around doing other stuff (The last week happens mostly do to budget cuts)

So it is not like a super common thing just something I thought worth mentioning ;D


That sounds so nice^^ I mean we also have one week trips but I mean more the whole game school.

In Switzerland the education is very language focused (and very rigid).
Which is also the reason you won’t really see much science until 10th grade at all and that in turn is the reason a) there are far to less students doing an apprenticeship in a science related job and b) you basically start from 0 (in biology, chemistry and physics) in 10th grade but the learning curve is steep.

Also I don’t think there is a game focused school at all here. Maybe for graphics designer but not for the programmers.
The first time you’ll come into contact with games development would most likely be in the 3rd year of university if you take the Bachelor in Computer Science.
This is roughly equivalent to 15th grade^^ Which means you’d have to plan that veeery early if you want to go into game development.

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Most of the science classses start during 7th grade in denmark though biology is taken up from time to time before that ^.^

After 9th grade you should have a basic grasp of biology, chemistry and physics (chemistry and physics are actually taken in the same class as low level stuff keeps overlapping anyway).

You don’t meet a lot of those either in Denmark really the highcshool I am at is probably the the largest with that focus at this level of education and we have maybe 80 people getting in every year, which is not much for a population of 5.500.000 people.

If you want to focus purely on game design and programming without as much other classes we an education for that too in the same city effectively making us the largest center for this kind of education in the country.

Alternatives have started sprouting up around the place though.

Also the programming learned at the school is pretty low level but they upgrades it quite a lot if you take part of the campus activities.

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