Elevation at head or feet?

I’m trying to figure out, in order to set up optimal mining, if the listed elevation is at our character’s feet or head. Feet being the lower cube, and head being the upper cube, as it seems self evident that our body takes up two cubes.

Thanks in advance!

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From what I’ve noticed, when looking at what Altitude you’re standing at, it’s the lower block of your character. So feet.

If it was head, I’d be at altitude 11 on Andooweem right now.

Have no clue if that at all helps with what you’re asking.

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That’s what I’m looking for! Thanks. I’m curious if anyone else has a definitive answer on this topic.

when I stand on the mantle block on the bottom of the world it says alt 1.

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Excellent, so elevation is measured at feet. Thanks to you both!

Looks like it takes measure from the block we touch with our lower cube, yes.

Or simply it shows our lower cube altitude minus 1.

If the debug info still shows x,y,z coordinates, you should be able to determine it by looking at the camera position (which I believe is the point at which you’re focusing on).

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pants will be only cube size later on