Embrace the Spectrum: Boundless' Color Changing Exo Arrives soon!

:star2: Attention Boundless Citizens! :star2:

:rainbow: Get Ready for the Spectacular Color Changing Exo on Friday, May 17th at 12:00 PM GMT (noon) / 07:00 AM CDT! :rainbow:

:milky_way: Brace yourselves for an awe-inspiring experience as the Color Changing Exo is making its way to our universe! Watch in amazement as the block colors shift every 2 minutes, creating a mesmerizing spectacle right before your eyes!

:mag: Dive deep into this enchanting world to collect rare and special blocks such as marble, concrete, compact peat, and many more! Whether youโ€™re a seasoned builder, a resource collector, or an adventurous explorer, this Exoworld promises excitement and discovery at every turn.

:tv: For more information about the Color Changing Exo, check out MajorVexโ€™s YouTube video here: MajorVexโ€™s YouTube video

:rocket: Donโ€™t miss out on this opportunity to witness the beauty of the Color Changing Exo. Prepare to be amazed and let your creativity soar in Boundless!


Is this just the color changing EXO, or will there be Gleambows as well?

I love me a color changing exo.

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Something different? Thatโ€™s cool! I hope this means progress?


Wasnt the color changing exo one of the last events we saw before the WS team all moved ti Larian?

Pretty sure it is the Birthday event.


Just the color changing exo


Between Boundless Birthday and Wonderstruck there are 5 events in 5 months. The spring and summer time had none so itโ€™s good to see colour-changing exo put in there :sunglasses:

That sorts spring time event gap for sure. What for summer?

I think summer could use Gleambow (instead of the New Year one that overlaps Oortmas and makes that time too busy/intense, which is not so good, considering people in general spend more time with family etc and sometime play less than outside the season there).


Guess Iโ€™ll be busy on the exo this weekend yay! I spent more time than I care to admit on the last color-changing exo.


I Spent way to lonnnngggg on the last color cycling, I admit I was over it by the last day :joy::joy::joy: but got get those Flowers & Grass Need all dem colors :cookie:


Christmas in July :christmas_tree:


Any chance of 3? A US one, an EU one and an AU one.

Being from Australia and going to servers on the otherside of the world works ok for normal worlds, however the amount of regen bomb farming happening on colour changing exos makes it near impossible to play.


please can you say on which region this exo will spawn?

im from middle Europe, AUS worlds are unplayable most days, barely can visit AUS becouse i got constant rubberbanding at AUS planets, perma, sov exo at same rate


It would be the same region as it was the last time.


I canโ€™t speak for everyone, but I seldom have issues connecting anywhere to any of the planets in any of the regions. That said, we have had color-cycling Exos in US East and Australia previously.

I also would prefer not to have three Exos, when have we ever had 3 exos let alone color-changing exos spawn at the same time?

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That would be US East

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is it possible to make this exo with gleamballs biomes?
we know there wont be rare gleam colors but it will be easier to farm boring colors still hoping for rare exo exclusive color wich never appear :smiley:

please please add red, lavender and luminous green gleam to this exo cycles :smiley:

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Most likely auto generated so same biomes etc

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You do know its color-cycling and they most likely have no control over the biomes or the colors of the gleam? Do you also know there was Red, Lavender and Luminous Green on the last color-cycling Exo?

Just be happy we get a color-cycling exo. If you need more of the rare colors do some Gleambow hunts.

i cant hunt, no matter hunt or gleambows or xmas meteors, im oversensitive on few senses after aneurysm rupture in 2020