Emote Anims - Just sitting here enjoying the view

looks amazing :slight_smile:

will there be also possibility of sitting on everything defined as a chair? Like the introduced chairs and table concepts of former posts? Or maybe laying in a bed?

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Ha! That’s been a hot topic of discussion! (Especially since Minyi has concepted some lovely cushioned chairs…) In short - that would be a nice touch but it’s still in debate/negotiation of the priority order which is still going on with the design team. The emotes I’m doing first are from the core wish list ‘yes, no, wave, show item, show respect etc’ - personally I would love to sit on a chair! :slight_smile:


I’m completely with you! Focus on core emotes and if there is time later put in the nice to have.

Just think it would be nice to see visual interaction with some special items. like sitting on a chair, laying in a bed, moving hands while interacting with workbench or twisting you spoon while interacting with a kitchen.

Maybe it will also have impacts: laying in bed restores health little by little.

However, I’m glad there are still a lot of things in discussion.

Hiya all!

Here’s my continuation of ‘enjoying the view’ before I too fly out to enjoy my xmas hols. :gift:

You’ll see I’ve added two further animated emotes in addition to the sitting having a rest - the salute showing your respect to your fellow community members and of course the all important ‘point’.

Let’s build over there! I hear you say!..where? there! :slight_smile:

Merry xmas everyone and I’ll be back in the new year.


Really like the animations, but the salute is just kind of…

atleast from that angle xD

Ha, I can always rely on you Zouls. At the moment we’re getting more rigging control in the fingers - so I may change the Salute a little depending on how close it resembles either the Wave or possibly ‘the high five/face palm’ - once I see them all together, I’ll have a better idea. :slight_smile:

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Really like the chest bump though. pretty badass.

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I like the littlest things like how he looks down before he sits down like waw attention to detail I like it.

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I pretty much don’t like how people still have ideas of bad pasts in their mind, when they see special signs. People should try to get rid of it. If signs are completely not meant like it, it should not be compared or interpreted that way… else you soon have tons of gestures you may never use again. Like the hand in the jacket (napoleons way).

Sorry if I seem rude in that case, but I I have a personal anger to that, because my first and second name begins with S. And because of history, I cannot write my initials somewhere, without thinking twice about it. It’s just super annoying.
Furthermore it shows how people carry these bad pasts into new generations who have nothing to to with anymore… People should get rid of those comparisms…

Back to topic: I like that emote and would keep it! But will the emote be just for one race/charakter model or for each?


I like how you combined my two favorite WoW salute animations :smile:
Love it!

Wow, I think you are quite overreacting there. Where I live this is a common gesture to greet each other, get the attention of a waiter etc.

Oblogitory “FOR THE HORDE!”
I can see why zouls might think that, but looking closely at the angle of the arm, it appears much more horizontal than his comparison.

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Indeed, again its not something that bothers me, i just found it interesting and that was the first thought which popped into my head. also notice what i wrote

[quote=“Zouls, post:25, topic:3366”]
atleast from that angle xD

I can see that it is more along the lines of waving to people but from that angle it looked more like a heil

Trying to replace the past doesnt make sense. If you constantly take it too seriously then yeah stuff will go wrong WHICH IS WHY IT WAS A ■■■■■■■ JOKE. But i forgot… this is 2015 where everything is offensive. my bad.


I feel you…


ditto. (10chars)

Trying to replace something was not my intention. But this comparison never is just a joke, at least for most people. Even when it is just a joke, as you can see you made someone think about changing a cool animation.

It’s still a spicy topic, not really for making jokes about…

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You can make jokes 'bout anything!


You can make jokes about everything, that’s right but you really have to make jokes about everything. Or else it’s just you (not you specifically) trying to cover up the racism, antisemitism etc. with a joke.

Also there are indeed edge cases where you might consider to not make a certain joke because the person your talking to has really really bad memories about the topic the joke is about and hasn’t gotten over them/worked them out yet.

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I like it but how are you going to be able to use them (with a hotkey?)

I’d assume with chat commands but the devs might have something different in mind.