Enemies attacking after their HP went to 0

I wouldn’t imagine it’d be the Ps4. I have perfect internet connection with a steady 120-140 mbps on LAN cable with a network dedicated only for the PS4.

The game runs incredibly smooth for me at all times, except for when I take a trek towards the big cities or portal hubs such as Ultima Guild City.

As far as enemies death bug/programming for me, I’ve never really had an issue with them attacking when they’re already “dead” per se. Although I have not killed an enemy on EVERY planet so I have no say here to assume that I’ll never have that issue.

I’m gonna take a wild guess and assume it’s most likely just the servers not registering the actions during combat and when the enemies are dead, I’d imagine.

Yes, I do feel like that Wonderstruck is trying to do a bit too much, but right now they need to really focus on consolidating the programming of this game. Just as 199 came out, introduced a LOT of other bugs that people are posting on here. Then 199.1 came out, even more bugs came from purgatory and plagued this beautiful game. My brother does coding for his own mini games, and he says coding is a PAIN. Takes a lot of work, so I cut the developers a lot of slack on that side of gaming.

I’m not being blunt or stabby on the devs, I admire them for their hard work, I know it’s a LOT of work. These developers spend all day, every day, every week, every month, and every year trying their best to make this game enjoyable for their player-base. But they really need to do something about the coding of this game. It needs 100% focus right now.

Although I will say, nothing lets me down. I always get past the bugs, they don’t infuriate me to where I rage quit the game for good. Nothing’s perfect man, just like Boundless. People expect too much of a massive coded game and takes A LOT of upkeep to keep the game running.

I will stay here as long as I want, and I support the Devs 100%. I’m always buying cubits so I’m sure that’s helping the game get fixed :slight_smile:

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I can understand the Wildstock still being able to hurt you if you kill it mid-charge because it’s momentum would still carry it into you regardless of if it was alive or not and so that should still hurt you. The spitters and cuttletrunks shouldn’t really be able to though, unless of course they had already spit out a bomb or projectile and it was airborne before you killed it.

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I agree with your sentiment here and I’d like to clarify my points above by saying: I’m just trying to explain the behavior I’ve seen in-game to the best of my abilities so that the devs can see what we’re seeing.

I usually try not to mention it because it might seem like I’m trying to sound extra “important” or something; but I’m a software developer as well, and I can confirm (as if this was ever in doubt, lol) that writing software is definitely hard work. Bugs and their solutions are oftentimes not as obvious as we’d like them to be.

I don’t want any of my comments above to come off as if I don’t appreciate all the work that the devs are putting in. I really do appreciate it. You guys do a ton of work and don’t get the recognition you deserve sometimes. And like @Cobbj85 said, developers are human, we make mistakes and there’s nothing we can do about that.

@ devs, keep up the good work, and thanks for putting up with all of us here on the forums!

You cant compare a game like overwatch where you most likely get a server with a good latency with a game where you can have a latency like 300 or even 500 just because of the distance when you play on another region.

Do you realize what actually happens? An information you made travels all the world and back in less than a second, its actually a wonder, and you complain about this?

Why not learn it, and keep aktive fighting until you sure the mob is dead?

The game client try to ich extrapolate informations for you, if this where not the case then you would shoot a monster and it would start losing damage after a moment (what it actually does).

Just play on your region and/or check your connection, i never had this, so it must not be a bug or something.

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Because it’s not natural. It’s not normal. When something dies, it might twitch, but it isn’t going to keep moving and attack. It’s going to drop dead 100% of the time. If it’s still moving, it isn’t dead yet.

What’s more, it’s a video game, not meant to be realistic, when it’s hp hits 0, it’s meant to play a death animation. But the game doesn’t do that, it makes the enemy finish it’s current animation first, THEN plays the death animation. And it does this 100% of the time, with all enemies.

That isn’t Lag, Latency, Connection Issues, or even a bug. That’s straight up bad coding. It’s coded for them to finish their animations, before starting a new animation. Most likely so there aren’t any weird issues of Visual glitches if something bugs out, trying to do two animations at once, move and attack, and the death animation.

Could even be a lazy way to prevent any bugs of ‘Death Animation/State’ Overriding or triggering too fast for the game to calculate how much actual damage is done.

I’ve been playing online games for over 20 years, well in to when the first online games were only on AOL and they were pay by the minute access like neverwinter. So yes I’m well aware of how servers communicate, and packet loss, and all the fun stuff in between.

It’s not on my end. It happens on stable servers. The game is doing too much.

If they can’t fix it I’ll just move on. It’s no big deal for me. I’m just doing my part to help them fix blatant bugs and problems, if they’re interested in it. Trying to make an argument that I need to adapt or stick to somewhere else isn’t helpful to the situation. It doesn’t make it disappear. Just like the shop stands having their problems. Just because it doesn’t impact you doesn’t mean the problem isn’t there.

I’d like for this game to be successful. I enjoy many aspects of it. Some I don’t at all. Others I’m patiently waiting to be addressed because of obvious issues. If it’s all the same to you I’ll continue doing what I’m doing and when I feel that there game is no longer enjoyable for whatever reason I will move on.

Edit: to be clear my latency stays under <150 not some 300-500 you throw out there. Pretty sure I said this before except when server hiccups and everyone experiences lag at same time.

Fun fact, that bug has been in since alpha. The code that triggers the attack function doesn’t cut it short upon reaching zero unless its spaced out individual attacks. It does make sense from a momentum perspective.

I love how the DEVs blames latency. with a 40-50 ping they still attack after death. The reason is that the animation needs to complete. It’s got nothing to do with latency or ping. Their attack animation isn’t programmed to stop on death it’s programmed to stop at the end of the animation. I think the mechanic is just a poor excise on the programming side of it as it would require more programming to have the animation cancelled so they chose the easy way out. It’s not a FPS where ping could mean the difference between peeking a corner and shooting another player or being shot, it’s a preprogramed animation set.


It was strange for me when i first started playing the game, but now i’m used to enemies having their last gasp attacks.

i accepted it as a part of the game and i kinda like it, i haven’t played a game before that keeps you on your toes even after you killed your enemy :smiley:

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This issue is 100% a presentation issue. The client is presenting the creature with 0 health and players believe the creature is defeated. But the creature is not defeated until the server reports this.

We have an update coming that will improve the presentation so that the creature will only look defeated once the creature is actually defeated as defined by the server. We shouldn’t be presenting the creature with 0 health until they are actually defeated.

The difference between Boundless and pretty much all multiplayer games is that we allow you to navigate to any server in the universe independent of your geolocation and latency. We try to hide the latency with prediction. With other multiplayer games you’re normally playing on edge locations local to you, resulting in significantly lower ping (which could still be hidden by prediction).

You can have:

  1. Local servers with low latency, or
  2. Global servers with high latency, hidden by prediction.

yes but on a 40-50 latency you still get the exact same issue as when i go to a 250 latency world. I actually have not noticed any difference at all in the death animation time. The animation isn’t cancelling or as your calling it the creature isn’t actually dead even though they have 0 health regardless of the latency.

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It matters what the largest allowed latency is, not your personal latency.

To make creature attacks predictable, they are announced 1s in advance and players with a 500ms latency will already be playing through the creatures attack even before you with your low latency will (larger latency means player prediction is further in the future). Even if you kill the creature, it has to wait for an announced attack to complete as higher latency users already are seeing/predictively feeling the effects of the attack.


Interesting. I expect you could allow a tighter prediction window for isolated players with lower latency, but I guess you choose not to because it would make the combat experience too inconsistent?

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If that’s the case, and it is how it works, than that would definitely be the culprit… And hopefully your upcoming fix helps the feel of it, since I doubt that there will be a true fix to it…

As a player with a personal latency averaging between 20-40 on Biitula, this does happen regardless of any lag factors involved. It also doesn’t matter wether I am fighting Solo or in a Group. The biggest culprit for me is the wildstock refusing to die once that charge starts, even if my damage done has overkilled it, but I’ve gotten used to it by now…


…ipso facto, when it stops moving, it’s dead. So keep shooting till it stops moving :joy:

enemy shots guided missiles :slight_smile: or bombs aoe, big one bom with huge radius explode,lasers ,guided aoe blast ball ,aoe blast ball spreed etc. not chance evade this.and we have CROSBOW :)) or BOBMS what hit enemy explode but nothing no resit no dmg only explode to face and enemy nothing. or fist weapons with crazy dmg not work skill an super slow shoting and super short range.AND DEATH flying enemy on air shots super aoe blast guided ball its total crazy:)u can run cover behind rock trees butthis shots hit u enemy is die but after 1 sec still shots hahahahah.

Yeah this is pretty annoying, I’ve died to it a few times. Hopefully not a feature.

It seems like the only way to fight enemies in this game is either be immune to their damage or you’re getting 1 shotted.

Those homing missiles (and I don’t mean the cuttletrunk ones, that are slow and supposed be homing), they follow you because how this prediction James was writing about is implemented. You are shot, but because games runs only at 16Hz, and there is big latency. For example spitter hits, if you move between the time the server mark you as hit, and that information is received and shown in your client, then instead of rubberbanding it looks like the spitter bullet is following you. There are good and bad sides of this.

Bad side is there homing missiles :wink: And some other quirks, like rocks being hit, disappearing, and appearing again, etc.

Good side is: Boundless gives you really good overall experience, and given it’s a multi-server, multi-player world with a destructible environment that is not in any way instanced… it’s pretty good piece of engineering.

If any dev it’s reading this: Kudos to you all, given what you have to take care off in terms of concurrency and synchronization, it really is great experience for a player!


may i ask you how do you know that servers run at 16 tick rate?

I read it on forums. There was an info that they went from 32hz to 16hz so they can process more data per tick, and sustain more players per server because of that. Grate change, a game like this does not need more updates per seconds.