Energy foods

I’ve noticed different foods restore different amounts of energy,
Cooked Star berry 250
Cooked earthyam. 300
Cooked meat. 500

What have you seen?
Does the amount increase with more INT?

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And there are buffs with processed food. Tried risotto today and I got 1600 max energy back and well fed or full up status for half an hour. You are not getting hunger penalty during that time.
I covered raw foods energy bonuses in a video and if I find time I will make a video on cooked food etc to investigate bonuses buffs and effects. It’s a lot of new foods to cover though. Omg my head is spinning only thinking about it.


Quick… someone hold his head. I’ll grab the duct tape!


It’s not so bad, the special food is basically divided into three tiers of effectiveness with similar durations per tier. A starberry loaf will have the same buff duration as an energizing meatloaf, etc. Just cover the buff effects and the durations scale up predictably.


I’ve noticed different foods restore different amounts of energy, added raw values from boundmore’s video

Raw earthyam. 50
Raw waxy earthyam 100
Raw exotic earthyam 150
Raw Starberry. 100
Raw glossy starberry 150
Raw juicy starberry. 200
Cooked Starberry 250
Cooked earthyam. 300
Cooked meat. 500

Will add more as try them