Era ideas. Space era

these are lots of ideas.
Make meteor spawn a little more uncommon. make a skybox and space. air pockets in space where you can make a midspace haven. outfits like clothing. make em with loom machines and if you want to color it, color it with gleam. outfit buffs (resistance to attacks, 4 more points in caustic survial. etc) a space outfit and starships you can make. the space outfit gives all points in vaccum survival (wont be a skill but it will be stat) and then you wont suffocate in space. starship creaters and platforms. airtight blocks ( used in space construction and other stuff)
world wont regen in space, leaving it free to creating space stations and other stuff. if you build high enough, you will make it to space and possibly to another planet. Telescopes! you can insert a warp augment in to do a more accurate warp destination and to discover comets and name them. certain will pass by daily, others weekly or monthy. in the space stations there would be some new props.
Air creators. Creating breathable air in an airtight space (surrounded by airtight blocks) and fueled by water or water buckets.
Cockpit (for starship controlling)
starship chairs to hold you in a starship
Exo spawners very costly to make, spawns an artificial exoworld. insert gems in it (or lucents) to determine the type of exo it will be. probably multiple lucents and decorative blocks. (maybe mosaic too) to craft.maximum of 5 exos at a time.

cannot land on exoworlds or else bad things will happen. the ship will get damaged slightly.
Based on the materials used to make it, it’ll be a certain class with more bonuses. classes best to worst: X,A,B,C,D
New materials

tungsten, if a meteor crashes into a space station made of airtight tungsten, it won’t dent it unlike with other things. cannot be smelted because of high melting point. also cannot be made into tools
Lazers for starships and lazer arts. made using the materials, yttrium , garnet, and aluminum.
Yttrium, an exo specific material for making lazers. found at high heights. not very deep into the ground.
garnet, found on burn worlds like alcyon. used for making lazers and tools
Aluminum, used for making foil and lazers.
________________ Space structures.
midspace havens in air pockets. you can make em. space cities basically.
space stations that orbit planets.
planets will always have at least 50 meteorites orbiting them so it can keep up with the meteor demand
exos will have a lot more meteors orbiting them.
I hope you liked my ideas. i’d love to have it implemented in the game.

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Cool ideas!

I do think it would be cool to have space stations accessible by portal. Or have a few user created Haloes/ringworlds.

I remember in NMS there was no max alt so you could make space stations by building up and up and up and then demolishing the tower

That would be insane looking lol


Thx. ur too kind. i remember making lots of space stations with that method in NMS