Error 21 Invalid auth token

I logged on to the game this morning. When I switched characters I got an error saying I was unable to connect. Now whenever I try to log on I get Error: 21 and am unable to log on.

EDIT: I just waited a bit and tried again and it is working fine.

I had this last night. . and had to exit steam. Actually had to try and get back into steam a few times before steam worked. Then I was able to go back into the game. Was very strange and I had never had that happen before, but was doing the same thing switching alts.

Also having this issue this morning on both computers that I’ve tried. Very irritating. Takes like 25 attempts before I can successfully login. then boots me when I switch alts so I have to do it all all over again.

ok that sounds like something else then. . sorry

Steam had some pretty major issues with their login servers for a few hours yesterday, looks like it went down again just now. It’s possible they’re fixing the issue or it may be that it’ll happen again. There are some unofficial steam status pages and twitter feeds around but Valve themselves don’t have an official page.

they do a maintenance every tuesday around 20.00 EST it seems.

i always get caught at that time when i switch character.