Error - can't load boundless

Basically it said there was an update to do and not it’s saying failed to download content file locked and that an update is required.

Only had it two days and been working fine before that.

Saying error occurred while updating. Content file locked

I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling and have same issue.

Anybody? Really stuck here cant do anything

I couldn’t open Boundless in January after updating. Verified files and nothing. Eventually I uninsulated all and downloaded whole content again. It worked then. So I don’t know.

Have you tried verifying files?

Yea I tried all that. I just unis talked steam and really installed everything. Ran steam as admin. And restarted the computer and we look to be good to go

Loaded it all up. Got on for 30 secs. Crashed and now saying it’s missing executable and won’t load.

Now I’ve got missing file priveleges. This game I trying to kill me

Maybe run a virus scan?

Sorted it don’t know what kept causing the ever changing issues but appear to be working now

And back to square one. Always crashing today and keeps doing this to me all day. Anyone know why?

Is that an error from Steam? Have you checked the obvious things, like checking Steam has write access to the location you are trying to install / update to? Also, make sure there is enough available disk space at the target location.

If you’re able to run the game, but it’s crashing, make sure all your drivers are up to date (especially graphics card). Failing that, if you could follow the instructions in this thread to post up your log files, the devs may be able to help further to get to the route of the problem…

Yeah , not sure if it’s steam or the game. I had to keep going back validating the files and restarting the computer. Played for about 3 or 4 hours and had to do that about 5 times

This is ridiculous the boundless loader is stuck in steam apps and instead of the common folder it’s in downloading.

Then when you try to move it over it says you need permission I run as administration and it stI’ll doesn’t allow to move

In Steam->Settings->Downloads there is a “Clear Download Cache” options which states ‘Clearing the download cache might resolve issues downloading or starting apps’ so give that a go.

Also if you have manually copied files around either uninstall and reinstall it or use the Properties->Local Files->Verify Integrity of Game Files to make sure they are consistent.

See why does it do that to me. The boundless loader.exe was in the right folder yesterday and game working fine.

Come on today and it’s just disappeard. Have to verify the files and it will get stuck in downloading folder. Then have to restart computer and it will probably work.

Until tomorrow

I have also verified the files. It’s the boundless loader.exe thats always moving around.

And ive also cleared the download cache. Issue keeps coming and going

There nothing the game does that should be causing this, its all Steams side to download it and install in in the correct place.

Are you low on disc space? Worth running an error check (right click on the drive properties->Tools) to make sure nothings going wrong.

Maybe an overly aggressive virus checker locking the files but would not turn it off.

One other is to try a different download location Steam->settings->Downloads->Downloads Region.

Why you do this to me steam. ? :sob::sob: I’ve checked the drive it’s fine. Got 800gb left on the drive too. Got the antivirus set on gamING mode for boundless