Evénement Gleambow (fin)

Is it a protest to getting meaningful replies or being understood :thinking:

Jokes aside, what’s the protest for. (Prays for no drama)

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Ei oo mitään pakkoa vastata viesteihin, joissa on vierasta kieltä. Suosittelen vaa mutee koko topicin heti niin ei näy feedissä :smiley:

I wouldn’t say that it deserves an actual protest, but it’s because he submitted a report for mistranslation in November and nothing has been done about it since, and the dev he talked to (I would imagine it was James) told him “what mistranslation?” as if Dupix hadn’t written a detailed thread about it.

La protesta es la siguiente:

Cuando hemos pedido que se añada un sub-foro para un idioma que el juego tiene, es ignorado.

Cuando encontramos fallos en las traducciones, en este caso los colores en francés tienen fallos, es ignorado también.

The protest is as follows:

When we have asked to add a sub-forum for a language that the game has, it is ignored.

When we find errors in the translations, in this case the French colors have errors, it is ignored too.

In protest I will now start speaking in tongues


Translation: I can’t believe they have not fixed those French color names STILL!

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Just gotta ask and if the request is missed then maybe just ask again.

My response of “what mistranslations” was a genuine request to be pointed at the issue. Because I’ve not memorised everything ever shared on the forum. Maybe they’d discovered something that I wasn’t aware of.

The game was translated by a professional translation company who we’ll not be working with again. They regularly missed context, for example the German translation for an “ore seam” was translated as a sowing seam. And the “mantle” was translated as a jacket. Good work professional translators!!


Mistakes were made :blush:

You probably got the gist by now, but for some of the French colors, multiple different colors have the same “name”

Honestly I think it’s impressive there are translations at all, so well done for that part


But the weirdest thing is tho, if the devs do not care enough to not do anything about the subforum and the mistranslation then they more than like also don’t give a hoot about people writing in French on the forums.

What the OP is forgetting is that with this protest he has himself and all the players with it, not the devs, why would james and the other devs care about a gleambow post? They don’t they can give themselves all the blocks they ever would want anyway. It’s the other players who now do not understand it…

And I agree, if I see a msg in a language I’m not fluent in I ignore it completely, so if you want many replies and/or people to notice your post you better do it in English. If you want to ‘punish’ the devs find another way to do so.

I mean, this forum would be an absolute mess if we all would only converse in our native languages!

Genuinely laughed at the incompetence. Damn.

I personally recently made my own thread about French translation issues, and Swarl (who’s the most knowledgable butt I know) shared his enlighten thoughts on the matter too. I think we made some great suggestions that the devs could follow :

Not only French, I also requested Spanish long ago.

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I know crazy right?

And @Farfadet

Français - Boundless Community

they obvious just ran it trew a word for word program and ripped you off
pretty lame
can we help with translations?


You mean google translate i mean moebster 2k7

Gracias por su sugerencia sobre que hablemos en inglés, será tomado en cuenta.

Yes, I can see that it was written in Oct. 2019 and that it is still not corrected … Like I can tell you that I will stop speaking in Spanish and then not do it.

¡Las palabras se las lleva el viento!

yes brand new :open_mouth::ok_man:t2:

I’m quite impressed and a little shocked to see that’s the first thing to come to mind when thinking “French Canadian” :joy: As a French Canadian myself, I’m not even sure what it means ! :laughing:

When I was 15 (so, roughly 18 years ago), I went to Quebec and that’s pretty much all I learned there.
I was told “Minoucher le pitou” meant “Pet the dog”.
I also know Canadians says “eeeeh” a lot, and “aboot” instead of “about”, but I wouldn’t make fun of them for that, because my own english accent sounds more like russian than english. @Jiivita heard me talk recently, so I think he can attest of that.

samaa mieltä sun kans. otappa poka kalia ja käyrähän saunas.

@james, both the French and Spanish international sub-forums can not be clicked on nor can you select them when creating a new forum topic…

