Event Calendar

Hey there, I made a thing: https://boundlessevents.github.io

It’s calendar of events, which for the most part are just hunts that i have been seeing as they pop up.

Most groups are creatures of habit and typically hunt at the same time each week, So I have tried to take that into account and added hunts that pretty much are going to happen.

If anyone wants to manage a calendar for their group please just send me the shareable link from a google calendar. Make sure it is set to public and that all events can details can be seen.

I would highly recommend making a dedicated calendar for this purpose if you want to me to add one as this is basically out on the internet.

Please note: these hunts are listed on the times they normally “might” happen and are not guaranteed to always occur, please check on the listed discords prior to the hunt occurring to verify one is taking place.

Update (12/27/20): While i may not actively playing some players have been granted admin access to the calendar and the site is hosted on github.


Sweet! Well done sir you are a king among men

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You sir have done something that will help many… Well done!!


Just a thought for players on the other side of the pond, is it possible to have time zones for UK/european timezones as well?


Yes i just need to know some time zones that cover the appropriate area, im not familiar with what would be east coast / west coast uk or au so i stuck utc on there.

not sure about aus etc but UK is GMT with some of europe knowing they’re GMT +x hours

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Iv’e updated the calendar to include GMT instead of UTC and Added New Zealand

GMT: https://boundlessevents.github.io/#timezone=Etc/GMT
NZ: https://boundlessevents.github.io/#timezone=Pacific/Auckland

Additionally If anyone needs some other timezome for whatever reason, while the links may not update, any IANA timezone should work just change the timezone name at the end of the url.

for example this is local to Katmandu https://boundlessevents.github.io/#timezone=Asia/Katmandu

list of timezones: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones

please let me know if there are any other areas i could add a link to help with local time translation.

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Fantastic idea. This should be incorporated into the forums maybe @Leahlemoncakes


discourse forums, the thing we are currently on, has a plugin for this

The only issue is its really only per post, so you would have event posts all over the forums with calendars in the first post and people would be bumping posts left and right to keep them on top because thats how you add a new event to the calendar.

So the devs would have to make a post and then have people reply to that, but eventually we will hit a reply limit.

there isnt really a solution that gives you a nice 1000’ view of all the events.

There is an event plugin, but surprise surprise it doesnt work on the latest version of the forum.


I added a embedded discord widget for a server with the hunt bot, announcements from the bot should be replicated out to the website, this way people can see if a hunt is announced via discord without having to sign into it.

If a hunt isnt announced in game or on discord then it may not be taking place that night.

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