Event cool off time

Yeah I’m not burnt out from the events because none of them have really tickled my fancy yet. I collected some of the drops from events but haven’t crafted a single item.


saint patrick’s day :wink:
I think its like the 2nd monday of March? or March 14th or something?

March 17th in the US. Does anyone besides Ireland and US celebrate St Patrick’s day?

we do in Canada!

I should have figured that, sorry. I imagine a lot of Irish immigrated to Canada as well.

I disagree. Event keep things shake. Up a bit and they give you rare curriencies.

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This has been out of protocol ever since ABS brakes were standardized.

The thing is. you are not forced to do the events if they happen, if you yourself need a break from them, you can ignore the event and go about what it is you do want to do, and wait for the event to come back again when you are up to doing it.

Just because X amount of players don’t want to do the event doesn’t mean no one should be allowed to do the event by simply not having one.

This is the only valid concern in my book about the situation

Everyone forgets about st Patrick’s day. D= unless you’re in school, so you can pinch ppl not wearing green.
Holler if you’re Irish! HUZZAH!

In regards to events, I think it’s fine. They’ve stated they’ll be the same events next year, with possible tweaks, so it’s not like this will be a constant side project. Just for a year, and we’re still getting other content as well.
Besides, events take away the monotony of doing the same thing every day. And it’s all voluntary if you want to participate.

Other games make up events as well. I think some of my favorite FF XIV events were completely made up around summer time, and it was all about having fun. Fireworks and beaches and silliness.

true while i have skiped all the events my self so far i know a few people has well as my self if there is a event going on you feel like you are missing out by skiping it i know the lovestuck one was extra bad cuz the craftble table flowers where something you could use all year round. and when i think of other online games if overwatch was runing events at the same pace boundless is right now i would be totally burnt out by reading the gleambow event.

i totally get im more then likey in the minority with this but still feel like if we get another event announcement a week or 2 after this one we could be on track to never not haveing a limited time event going at any given time

I assume St. Patrick’s Day.

Edit: read the whole thread, dummy. :blush:

You, obviously, don’t have my completionist disease. :slight_smile:

I have self-control.

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Naw, don’t worry. Regardless of what I said before, I totally get what you’re saying.

Hm, I’ve been thinking a bit. When the Halloween event came out, I (and I’m sure many others) thought they were gonna be limited time items never to appear again that would fetch a pretty penny later.
I mean, they might still be a bit up there right now, but what if some shops specialized in event items so the ppl who didn’t want to participate could still buy them? Like an all year round event store? So eventually maybe if ppl sell their stones, seeds, whatever to the store/s, then that person can craft and turn it around and maybe, in time, they’ll be more decently priced than the random owner selling their rose vase for 1000c? (Made up price there!)


I don’t know about burn out. Fortnite has an “event” running pretty much all the time between seasons and Battle Passes.

I think the main difference in games like Fortnite, the event is part of normal gameplay while the nature of Boundless makes that far less possible. Doing the event means you are not doing something else you would normally be doing.

I think lowering the crafting requirements would balance out the issues, if there are any.

I have most likely missed out on plenty, but we live in the age of plenty. So there will always be more.

. >> For my sake, I’m going to pretend you did not mention that word in a response to me. <<

That was in response to the thread, not you specifically.

I don’t understand why that game causes such anger in so many people. I don’t play. Aside from Something like The Division or Anthem, I have no use for any kind of shooter.

But it seems like a solid game that treats its players well.

Actually, I played the Save the World version before Battle Royal took off.

Not really anger. I just don’t like it. The company doesn’t understand how to do the eSport side of it either.

If you are looking to enter the pro side of it. No it doesn’t. It treats selective players well based off of meaningless merits and not player skill.

NEACE haves a few videos explaining this but I don’t have the time to find all of them right now.

Fair enough, eSports is not my world.

i think so too i know the crafting for the lovestuck one was nuts it was like 50 hearts for a mass craft and when you consider the fact you only can get 1 per person you trade with

The Gleambow Racing event is actually a delayed event tied to St Andrews day…