Every time one of the events come back to our lovely Boundless universe, we hope for some new items we can craft. It’s really something to look forward to for me and I guess for many others.
You give me a new oorty? Sweet. You throw a spitter plate at me? Marvelous!
Even the older items enjoy my eyes and warm my heart as I embark on crafting them again, in new color variants maybe.
Every next event is a reminder and opportunity to go back to our machines and think about which items we want to craft this time.
EXACTLY: our machines - stress on the plural.
It’s been a major annoyance for me throughout the years that I need to visit diferent machines to craft items bound to any event. That reading the event announcement is burdened with trying to remember which items can be found in refinery and which in workbench or compactor. Taking screenshots or writing down the list of items, machines and recipes has always been that tiring part of immersing myself in Boundless events.
Create a special crafting machine that would hold all event special items ever introduced (and all that might be introduced in future).
I will call it Eventizer as it just popped in my head as I was writing this.
So, Eventizer would craft all the hearts, balloons, cakes and gifts, Christmas trees, pumpkins, skulls and all Oorties of the world etc. etc. Filter would allow to sort them items by event of course (Christmas, Valentines, Gleambow, Halloween and so on).
One machine where we can craft all event specials - no more thinking “was it the refinery or the workbench I saw it in the last time?”
Anyone for this kind of crafting station?
Happy Christmas to all of you who celebrate it, Happy Oortmas to those of you who participate in game event… and all the best to everyone no matter what any of it mean to you.
Much love
Of course that. But its still extra clicking and typing names of items if you even remember them right.
And machines menus are overloaded with list of items anyway. Good they are bringing some new crafting stations to move some stuff around and make those lists shorter per machine. More specialised machines will help a lot (so we don’t cook in furnaces and mixers for example).
Still, I think having just one specialized crafting station for event items would be a huge QoL change.
Any time there is an event (no matter which one) you would just go to that one machine and after applying the event filter you would see all items available within the 2 weeks or so.
With all the specialized crafting stations already designed and in queue to implementation, I would love the devs to create one more for the special items.
it was more different way around - crafting stations for food and brewing already designed, and one of them was used to feed the need for a new Halloween item; so not opportunity missed as much as delayed
I’m not against you wanting this, of course, but it is not a change that I would like.
I like each type of thing being in a different machine. It gives crafting character, and that knowledge that frustrates you is an opportunity for player skill to improve efficiency by being familiar with the game.
That said, making the roasted spitter in the mixer is silly, though the furnace doesn’t have 6 slots, so what are they supposed to do.
me too, for regular items - but these are special items and a lot of them don’t even really fit into any basic machines (as in they don’t fall naturally into categories like refining or compacting)
we have so many regular items, be it blocks or tools, and they are nicely spread across different machines, allowing players to learn the ropes of that side of game (but even there lists of recipes got very long and impractical; a case of old machine set up trying to serve growing number of items to craft)
it doesn’t frustrate me in general; only the special items (I feel) don’t need to be scattered around different machines; special events are about getting items that are different to our every day crafting and I think they should be easy to find, easy to obtain and craft (which brings me to another part of special event items recipes that I don’t like: I am of opinion that event items should be easier to craft as I see them as “vanity” but also “celebratory”, thus allowing players gather needed recipe ingredients faster; what kind of christmas or halloween etc celebration and enjoyment is it if I need to spend Christmas playing the game too much rather than spend time with my family? what I’m saying is - regular items and progression: a bit of grind and challenge is fine; celebration and holiday items: let them be accessible faster and easier in a more leisure style of play - they don’t need to be part of grind and economy)
I still think it’s a missed opportunity. It makes sense since it’s a Halloween event cauldron and I think it would be cool if they could craft the Halloween brews instead of the other crafting items being talked about. I’ll stop here though. Was just a suggestion.