Events should all just be turned on until the update

Why not throw us few active players a little bonus


I’m a fan of the idea of putting them on a timer like exos are.


HSE going to break the game again lol​:heart::sweat_smile::sob:

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Lol maybe I should have worded it more like @Rydralain. Or maybe someone could accidentally bump the gleambow switch and not notice for a few months :wink:

Event-based exos would be so cool, that should happen too, after the update. But it would take work. I don’t know how game stuff works so don’t mind me if I’m wrong but I feel turning on gleambows is as simple as putting the little warning up for incoming updates.


Weekend Events would be great.
Double xp weekend or Double Meteor loot weekend etc.


I think this could be fun and would give more things To do… Anything At this point would be ok.


Totally agreed - let the events cycle randomly for a few days each, and some color shifting exos too. Even if they can’t say anything for legal reasons, why not give those still here a little treat that way? :pleading_face:


You know, this is genuinely a good idea. Even older content that requires no massive time investment is fun and interesting if you haven’t been able to play it for a while


I agree this would have been a good idea. I sent James a message back in May & asked if they could deploy some events while everyone is waiting for the update or whatever is coming down the line. He mentioned that automated events were in the works, but he wanted to get the update out 1st. So maybe something didn’t go as planned? Or maybe it is, but just a little slow. Dunno.

Personally, I’d suspend the forums until then. Moral is too low, users are personally attacking each other daily, and there is very little constructive content being added.


Surely that would be a terrible idea though? If people think reviews (steam or otherwise) are bad now, think about how they’d go if they suspended the forums for a while.

“The developers didn’t like that people weren’t happy enough with their product, so they shut the forums down”. Or perhaps “They got bored with the project, so shut the forums down so they didn’t have to talk to their customers”. You know much people exaggerate at the best of times.

Low player morale and lack of anything constructive (for better and for worse) aren’t problems to solve, they are reflections of the game. If someone is put off from buying the game because the forum isn’t active enough, or because not it’s not a saccharine environment, then they probably wouldn’t enjoy the game or would leave shortly after starting anyway. As such I’d argue that in the long run the forums probably don’t cost the game that many players, the game does that on it’s own. It’s just too niche and not for most people (which is different from saying it’s a bad game, because it’s not).

On topic: That’s a great idea. Would definitely be good to give players extra fun things to do in the lull between updates if it was as easy as just flipping a few switches.