Exo Shuttle Station - Free Rides to Exos!

Yeah everything seems fine :slight_smile:

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A rift exo would be a really, really nice pre-Oortmas way to celebrate… just sayin’… :smile:

Dodges about 50 lumps of coal flung by the dev team

… Err, hey guildies! Maybe a few of you could ask this time? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I don’t want to ruin our chances, hehe! :wink:


Going to blink planet in 10! If you want to come let me know so I wait for you


Yep, Blink exo, that works great for me too! :grin:

Since you just ran one, I might wait a bit and get settled in, map a little, and run one in a couple hours - I know one person at least wants a later one, so provided I don’t fall asleep early, will plan on that, maybe run a couple even.

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New blinknplanet?

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Cant wait to get home from work ;p

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Yep, nice one!! :smiley:

I went down and carved out a couple Blink spots to start mining from, saved the locations… I’ll run the next taxi I do from one probably.

Getting sleepy, will go ahead and run taxi from station in about 15 or so then probably turn in for a bit. :slight_smile:

Edit: Awake now and about to jump on, about 4:30 am EST, may run a taxi soon, keep an eye on chat, going to grab one of @Soju-VB’s atlases first! :wink:

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… Ok, it is pretty torn up already in spots, but I carved us out a bunch of spots to work from. I’m going back to the Blink Ruby one myself, there isn’t as much overlap on the spots on this one as there sometimes is, but that spot looks decent for both.

Edit: I’m going to try this as a guild service, see if there is demand and how it goes. I’ll buy a few of the cheap atlases for exos for ones that are lucent or seem particularly good for a resource, and add the resource to it then sell them at the cost of the atlas. Combined with mining spot tokens, should be enough for a good start I think! :slight_smile:


Happy to donate completed atlases for any Exo that I get a chance to fully map :blush:


Can you put a basket for plain atlases?

I can craft some and give them to you for the shuttle :grin:

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Awesome team spirit here! Tell me if I can help with anything! :grinning:

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Thank you both so much, @Soju-VB and @Cuetzpalomitl !! :smiley: So much appreciated! :slight_smile:

@Soju-VB - Very happy to pay the price, it is so little for so much on these!! :smiley: As long as you’re ok with me buying up part of your stock each one - I was a little worried on that part, I know they’re popular since I’ve seen them sold out, so felt bad taking too many here, so only did a few on this one!!

@Cuetzpalomitl - I’ll put out a basket! We could use some plain ones as giveaways too I think for sure, I’ll do another plinth, I’ve been on a couple trips now where people have forgotten them. :slight_smile:

I don’t mind donating them really :grinning: just need a way to deposit them after I make em

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Great, thanks!! :smiley: I’ll get a donation basket out for atlases in the Exo Shuttle Station pretty soon here, thank you!! :slight_smile:

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@Cuetzpalomitl - Awesome! :grin:

Donation basket and free atlas plinth (undiscoverable) up! :smiley: Thank you again - I really think this will be a great QoL thing for riders. :slight_smile: I’m going to keep a price on the resource ones though, just so that they aren’t too tempting to just take all of, hehe. :wink:

@RedY3 - Thanks!! :smiley: Looks like we’re good - just feel free to move around anything I put out of course, or swap out plinths and signs if you would rather colors match or such!

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Just made 9 more Nilrebmah I atlases for donation.



Thank you so much, this is really great!! :smiley: Appreciate it!!

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Can we make Soju an officer? He’s good people I can vouch for him :slight_smile:

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