Exo worlds: clarifications needed?

i have a feeling they may be manually spawned in

Its bank holiday weekend so I think they will be chilling with their families, not even thinking about Boundless.

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That would suck if itā€™s true. I knew perma planets were that way. I was under the impression the exo spawn system was total rng so devs wouldnā€™t even have any idea what they would spawn but I must have wildly misread that conversation.

We donā€™t know what the constraints are, ie: a planet must spawn within this timeframe but no sooner than this. There is no way itā€™s truly random cause it could start spitting out planets every half second, or in a month. They arenā€™t that lazy.

So the question becomes why didnā€™t they communicate the constraints OR it is manual. Right now it feels manual - and there is no discernible pattern from the data.

Well of course, Iā€™d assumed that rng had limitations on its ranges but I guess that wouldnā€™t be true rng if that was the case. Maybe thatā€™s my fault for reading it the way I did.
Iā€™d assumed they would spawn variably in days times like say minimum 3 days max 7 days.

Not truly random then.

im 80% sure you can put min/max condition and still have it be classed has rng as long has the system still picks when it spawns within that range

nope, just random is the most fair option.

My guessā€¦devs forgot to turn the exo world RNG machine on before the long weekend in the UK lol

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still dying waiting for hunters and t8:(