Expired Homes Should store items

I think this post shows a profound lack of empathy, which is a significant part of the problem. Someone else having a loss should not be an opportunity to judge them, or be your gain. Rather than propose a solution to the problem at hand (player loss because of a bad game mechanism) you demean their priorities by saying they lack responsibility.

First, to demonstrate this happened, look no further than the steam weekend boundless ran. Where new players poured into the game and had this issue immediately. Only an hour or two of lost progression immediately stopped any further investment in the game.

What is your response to that? That they are not the players we want? Perhaps they aren’t dedicated or responsible enough to enjoy this game. Ludicrous!

The developers have a bad mechanism and need to fix it or the game will continue to suffer accordingly. It doesn’t effect me, so this isn’t personal. This is instead indicative of the behavior of those that don’t communicate openly, clearly and consistently with their customers and potential customers. Only in this industry is that considered acceptable and normal.

I want to leave you, and anyone else reading this, with a thought: If I found myself in this persons’ place, would I appreciate - and be grateful for - the decision to ensure I could return with no loss?


Huh? In 2 hours your beacons don’t expire?? And they can’t have lost many materials either…

Or didn’t they change to a normal beacon after a campfire?? Then perhaps the tutorial is not clear enough… Perhaps the whole campfire thing should be removed actually, I mean, if the game immediately let you craft a beacon with fuel and place they would at least be safe for a little longer than 2 hours…

Also, I mentioned it a few times already, perhaps new player worlds need to be added, where only new players can place beacons and where their stuff NEVER expires, but once they place and fuel a beacon on a non-starter world the game needs to make them understand that from then on regen can happen on their items and builds, if they don’t regularly re-fuel…


Wait what problem did they have? Lol really. You’re saying they started a game and you’re saying they reason they didn’t stick around was because they couldn’t keep their plots without some retrieval mechanism in place? Lol. Can you show me the many post and stats that these people stated this please? This is where I said we need to weigh the evidence. I could also use that line of reasoning of empathy on you. I work hard and PAID for this game with real money. This is what I agreed the game was when I bought it. I’m no sucker for free and easy ■■■■. If getting to round 175 in zombies was easy I wouldn’t have kept playing it for 3 years straight. Same with this game. I enjoy a task. I like the idea of looking at something and saying, yeah I did that. This community is pretty amazing at what we can do with eachother as well. I’m not here for handouts nor pander to people who cry about something that is so easy.

What if there was an addition to the Sanctuary that simply stored all the stuff that has been lost to beacons that have dissolved? It would at least solve the ‘returning player’ issue.

This is not a good idea. There are reasons things like that kind of coding is not allowed here. This game has a economy and any hacking and or duplicating will break it. I could easily find a way to do this with these options available. Believe me people know how to break games completely.

You won’t get real stats so it isn’t worth the effort trying to get that from the bleeding hearts here in this forum. Everything is just conjecture and focus on the mechanics of the game and assumptions that because people lost everything is why they never came back.

Of course, obviously, there is a group of people that lost stuff and didn’t like it. I think many of us don’t want to lose our stuff but some of us can just handle it and see a bigger picture or take the responsibility for that loss… especially when no one is forcing us to play the game.

The bigger issue is people assume that because the player numbers are low that “saving stuff” will get the numbers high which really won’t happen because of larger issues of the game…

But don’t expect any of that logic or reason to hit home with those people that defend the “lost stuff” argument… why? Because they lack the empathy as well to understand a different opinion or really respect the views.

I think none of us want to lose people or want things to completely go poof… but we just have a different view on how to handle it… but I’ve never seen any empathy in that approach from those that talk down about it.

I also want to say your closing statement is caring and thoughtful. I also express my thoughts to those who REALLY find this a issue that has tried what they could have done to keep their beacon. Here is the thing though, this is a game and we are the testers still. The games release was not wanted for another year from now. Backers for this game are set with money. The economy is right as projected. Nothing will happen being it’s going just how it supposed too. Ok back on track.
A. If you like this game you will make sure you won’t lose your stuff so here are the options.

  1. Gleam club. I understand this comes from a place of privilege I hear. But isn’t this game on the cheap side and cost money? ie privilege?

  2. Craft or buy fuel, it’s cheap, fuel before you leave, set timers if you actually enjoy the game. Trust me, you won’t forget unless you don’t really care.

  3. Trust someone to help fuel. Exchange contact info, remind them if you can’t access to log on and fuel.

  4. Deplot things yourself and store in inventory if you think you may lose your stuff. If you actually PLAY this game you should have a good amount of cubits. Use those to create characters and give them stuff to store.

  5. Stop blaming those who enjoy a huge aspect of this game that it sucks forgetting about a game that you claim you would have stayed if you hadn’t forgot to be responsible. Really if I lose all my stuff I will and can start over. I may also be in the top 5 richest in Mats so I have plenty of reason to be upset if I lost my builds but I CHOOSE not too. This is really not a issue worth arguing about actually. If they change it ok. If they don’t ok. I’m fine with whatever. I just think it’s a part of the do whatever and the thrill of discovery in the game that drives a lot of us.

Really? So lets resort to name calling and labeling the people that we do not agree with.

I’m not sure if you are referencing me or others in this comment.

I don’t see anywhere that I am supporting name calling? I usually fight against that pretty passionately.

My bleeding hearts comment had no linking to whether I agree or disagree with people. I don’t link those things at all on any level. The comment was about how some of the discussions are approached by some people in a bleeding heart reference. I could have used victim mindset but felt that wasn’t appropriate in this context because more of the discussion was about empathy and in some ways it the view points are coming over with an explosion of empathy - hence the bleeding heart comment.

I want to fully quote this post so you cannot edit it later. XOXO

Labeling is labeling. Should I call people that consistently defend the developers white knight lackeys if I mean it in the best way possible?

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People are more than welcome to call “people” a white knight lackey… hell I would if those people were constantly supporting the devs in the context of a being Lackey. But I’d need the proof to show how they were otherwise it would make no sense to describe the actions that way.

The issue as I see it is whether you should call a specific person that. More importantly it would matter whether you have actions on how they are being that way and present it as such and present it in a way that shows humility and willingness to have a conversation around it. It all comes down to how you approach it and contextualize the comments. A lot of people can fail in getting the nuances or calling a person a specific name without causing offense.

I disagree with you strongly on labeling individuals or groups but this is so far off topic that it really is not even funny.


If I were to lose all my inventory I would be devastated. Yes, it would be 100% my fault…and Yes, I doubt I would come back… so I understand the original poser’s comment and am empathetic to the situation.

That said, the Devs need revenue to keep the game going and the current configuration does encourage people to buy GC which equals revenue.

I have doubts that player retention would be improved much by getting rid of the ability to lose items due to expired beacons. I have a feeling a large percentage of beacons expire due to player burnout.

And to the contrary, I think getting rid of the consequences of expired beacons would severely reduce the number of GC subscriptions. Just my opinion


There are many issues with this game. This is just one of them. Fixing it will be fixing just one issue with the game, true, but it’s still an issue that needs to be fixed.

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So how about “that” give item menu we already have but on a beacon. It already determinates what blocks are inside its range so its gives you prestige. Whenever beacon runs out, it simply sucks block insde and stores it. For a while it would stay on 1 plot but, if player has not logged in for period of time, becon is sended to players inventory, when placed again it would only give thous items that were stored.

P.s I dont know if this idea was lifted somewhere -_-


I’ve just glanced over this thread and i feel like a lot of the discord we are having with this issue can be solved by what James proposed a few months back. The economy machine is the chrysominter.

you can have an expired shop who stores items atm
just open shop in our mall and your stuff is save for very longtime

my self if the game did that i would be even more angry…the chrysominter is trash unless you have it fully coiled and even then the payoff is still bad it would be like if your 1 million dollar house burned down and the insurance company only payed you 100K

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Technically, you would not need coils or the machine. The idea proposed by james was simply value each ressource based the chrysominter once the beacon expires and introduce the amount of coins into the players inventory. If I recall correctly the chrysominter is priced lower then the actual maket value and that price fluctuate with the economy. Also i hope this system would simply calculate each items value rather then convert them into coin and not allow scavenging.
This idea does solve a lot of the technical aspect of this problem but yea one of the major flaws is that ressource values changes over time.
Lets take advance powercoils back at launch as an example, they were going for 20k+ whereas now its just a few thousand coins. So if i left the game and my beacon expired back in oct 2018, i would most likely have more coins in my inventory then if my beacon expired now.
The problem is simply pricing so lets change two things.

  1. The chrysominter was made to introduce demand for items that doesnt have much demand in the market while still making the machine not compete in the economy hence why the price are significantly lower so lets just take the average pricing of each ressource in the beacon an hour before the it expires.
  2. and then take into account the fluctuation of the items between the time your beacon expired and the time you return.
    I mean this won’t give you the full amount (million dollars) but it should be fairly close and besides i personally believe that there should be some mild form of “punishment”(might not be the right word for this) but since most of the community are adults and id expect some form of organization on there part.
    To recap, this idea works great on a technical level and it would simply require adjusting the calculations in order to make it “fair” to everyone.
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