Extradimensional space



On the issue of cost and possible exploits:

  1. Create many temporary 1 plot beacons across many worlds.
  2. Collected items into a single storage beacon and expire it to create a cloud storage.
  3. Whichever world you want access to your cloud storage - just reclaim it onto 1 of your spare single plot beacons.
  4. Grab whatever you want.
  5. Expire the beacon.
  6. Goto 3.

So all items, instantly on any world.

My first thought was to give players their reclaims for free if they expire naturally (say a lapsed player returning), but charge a nominal cubit value if it’s expired manually . Just to make sure that if you do excessively use the system then it’s going to start costing something.

Obviously we’d like to avoid this as no one like the specter of p2w.

Aka cloud storage with a cost