Extreme constant lag

Where are the test servers located? Are there test worlds in each data center? I’ve honestly not used the test builds excluding once, so I don’t know if the new F9 thing gives you free coin so that we can open warps to servers in different regions at will. That would at least make it easier for me so I don’t have to spend coin to open a warp to a planet I can’t access (or to warp away from a planet I just got booted off). Either that or remove coin cost for warping in general.

Or work out the issues for the console platform it’s the one suffering the most, in any case planet side 2, no man’s sky, I can run those games without a hitch, runs beautifully. Tera, Neverwinter, war thunder on simulator mode on cross platform servers, just amazing.

I don’t think the game is ever properly optimized for console even their test servers are for PC and their changes are made to PC.

Maybe disconnect the PS4 players from PC for a bit and see what happens and a seperate PS4 servers, cause I feel robbed and I would like to see their vision come to fruition.

I’ve also seen bad lag for a few days on PC. I find it’s mostly around portals, but turned chunk rate down to min and was exploring a planet that couldn’t keep up. Ended up in pure sky for a while. If I stay away from portals or my home world I’m usually ok, but portal networks have been pretty rough with chunks of time I just wait to stop glitching long enough to open a portal and get off planet. Not one to say something typically but I haven’t seen this since launch at all and it’s getting troublesome.

Every test of my internet it’s fine

It’s amusing seeing these posts after dealing with it on the PS4 for so long and getting the ‘its You not us’ responses.

At some point something is going to have to be done.

it doesnt cost coin to open the warp in the sanctum unless you actually walk through it into the world.

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Good to know! Albeit, I sit here in Finata for now watching for changes to lag.

that’s just incorrect completely. and to ask them to fix your machine only??. I’m on a pc, and long before ps4 players came about many pc’ers where having issues. I’m not selfish and would say both have issues, both need more looking into, and more of us sharing the tech data so they can help better.

Also I would say from responses, that its US players that have the most lag. Most European players are having the least problems.

I don’t know if this add something, but I’m in Argentina (South America). I can ever dream of play any other game on EU servers and can barely play some games on US servers.
I had some issues in the past (after the release when everyone was having rubberbanding) but I can play on any world at any time without any problem. From time to time I get the unplayable error, but it last least than a second and I can play fine. I have my chunk download rate at medium.
@lucadeltodecso If you want some trace/routing or whatever information, just tell me how to do it and I can give it to you.

I usually don’t experience much lag but tonight Finata has been basically unplayable.

Fix my machine only? What lol? I want to be able to play the game I payed for thank you very much, this game was advertised for PS4 3 years ago. At least PS4 only servers, PC has a test server why don’t we.

120 bucks in the garbage, for them to test consoles would be reasonable all of their updates and patches are going through the PC test server not console.

Some may not have issues, but ppl are leaving like as I did, all due to network issues on their end and with every update out experience got worst and it doesn’t matter what world. my friends left also because it’s not worth it.

I don’t actually think you guys know how bad it gets, imagine not being able to do anything for hours, to come back and to can’t do anything, and I don’t mean rubber banding, I mean random turning, random actions, teleportation, deaths and revives with a death penalty, blocks appearing and disapearing, tools going out of whack with no way to stop them from chiseling everything u look at except to quit the game and try again.

The list goes on, would you play a game like that which you spent over 100 dollars on? Which was advertised for ps4?

At least for me tonight, over the past 2 hours, I’ve seen no major spikes in lag on Finata. I got here a bit after 0:00 UTC. I portalled to a different EU planet (one I’d never been on) at some time after 1:00 UTC and still saw no consistent/continuous lag spikes; a fairly steady 115ms throughout.

One thought that came to mind was if there was throttling or traffic shaping occurring as soon as peak time occurs, since it seemed to always hit us in US East around the same time (even apparently with the time change). I’m not knowledgeable enough on networking, but I know a few US ISPs have applied throttling of data that looks like peer-2-peer packets. I recall reading that chunk data is delivered via CDN; is it possible the chunk content looks like peer-2-peer and is thus being throttled?

I received a lot of unstable connections tonight also, every 5-10 seconds primarily in finata at the hub around the portal to aqua embassy. Once I got away from that area, a few steps st a time I still received unstable connections but only 5-10 minutes apart.
From eastern us. Not high speed connection but works ok usually. Tonight was unusually bad.

I know it’s not an issue on the Boundless end, but even though it’s not a Boundless problem the fact that you can’t play makes it a Boundless problem. Nobody would have stuck with WoW for years if the game played this terribly. But in WoW you at least had the luxury of playing on regional servers.

My solution is just gonna be don’t play on European servers, we’ll see if that improves my gaming experience.

(Can still pass thru Eu servers at like 9am, but no more mining etc.)

That’s effectively what the devs told me months ago when I complained about it. If that’s really the only way we can play the game without experiencing the lag monster then why have there not been 1 of each world type released for each region yet?

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Exactly. Can’t fix it on their end? Fine. Give us everything we need in our own region.

not everyone has the kind of issues u described. Lags, bugs and that sort of stuff happen in every game. funny that u mentioned nms … everyone knows how this game started lol

NMS was missing features, but the universe still updated live, and the amount to do in that game and see is astounding, Its 10 times bigger in content now, has multiplayer, constant content updates and daily fixes if needed, the game runs amazing, always has.

If you some of you do not have this issue, and the post is about lag issues, what use is it to me for ones like your self to tell me you have no issues, or others don’t?

The game doesn’t work for me, 120 dollars, and the response I’m getting from everyone without issues, is that it’s not the game, but our machines? And our connection? It’s bloody 2019 it’s not my machine or my connection otherwise everything else would have an issue no?

It’s their servers, optimized for PC, tested on PC, and then the updates are released from the information they gathered from the PC test server? I wasn’t involved in that, nobody on he consoles was involved and most of us got screwed hard, without permish, or a date at least.

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can u stop making a drama out of some connection problem (or bug whatever)?
u didnt pay me anything, so i dont know why u connecting ur ■■■■■■■ dollars with the expectations on my answers.
It helps to know that other players reach the server without problems, because then u know that in general stuff works and u have a specific problem where u might need the help of the support. (its not server-side)

did u send those infos to the devs already? can u give those people at least a bit time to solve this?

nms change much since release. dont u think boundless has the potential, too? (in my opinion boundless was already better at start than nms)

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I dont know how you took my replys personally? Its for the devs not you, also when did i say that i gave you money? Are you okay?

Secondly, i payed for a service, unlike all other services this one doesnt work and it cost me, the devs have no answers and i am preaching to them not you hoe you even got there is beyond me.

Alright, go buy a car and when you start it ul it falls apart on you, your not going to say anything to the dealershil or manufacturer? Or you gl.to a restaurant order a peppered steak with rice, and they serve you dog meat on a leaf, your not going to say anything? Fan boy much?

Nms is a proceduraly generated universe, with 30 of them which consists of thousands of planets which can be manipulated and built on, every single one of them. The game loads this information live, every purchae every sale every terrain change you name it, everyone in the universe can see these changes.

So no, i do not believe for one second its an issue on my side, the game is literally dying with every update.

Are u okay that u cant read ur own post? idiot much?
i didnt get dog meat on a leaf with this game, and that u painting it as that, just tells me the intention with ur trolling here.