EZPZ Lemon Summer Fest! - 43 millions! Stamp hunt going on!

What time is it all at Pacific time?

Grapple Tourney: July 10th 3pm PT
Drop Party: July 10th 5pm PT
Dodge Bomb: July 11th 9am PT

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Prizes added:
more candy totems! 72 zero energy chisels and 72 max dura chisels! all done by our forge master @whitelet

BIG shout out to thank @catfud for his 1200 coils!!!

another BIG shout out to thank @Bones for his two chests of colorful concrete and 900 kindling krenels!!!

With the new prizes, the total prize pool broke 24 millions! All the coils, concrete, and kindling krenels will be given away at the drop party! Come and catch the gift rain! :hugs:


I honestly have no need for the chisels what we should do at the end is have a trade fest lol

you can drop them out for others to pick up and make you some room for new stuff xD

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That is smart
Everyone drop ur lucent stuff for unrelated reason
Or atleast the coils

I was planning on cooking dinner for my family and missing this drop party, but I guess that’s not an option now. @InferiorRose, cereal for dinner tomorrow :wink:


:rofl: :rofl:
10 char

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Would love to come but im doing a lot of projects out of game and dont want to be roped into update drama.

awww we’ll make sure no one talks about the update but i can save some gifts for you :relaxed:

Can’t wait til the drop party but I might try some of the other stuff too. :hugs::hugs:

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Nah, People can talk about the update but I have some other stuff as well as overall burnout.
Im also doing a bit of digital art and might have an idea on how to get Mantle as a bug.

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:wink: lemme give you a candy clearer at least, when you are available

Im just waiting until an update comes. still posting here but I can attend remotely.

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8 chrysominter power coils
another 6 million coin

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Dinner update: apparently cereal isn’t an appropriate dinner when guests will be over?

Bring your guests here we have plenty of pies for them :rofl: jk
If you can’t come I can save some gifts for you:P


Did this one start

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yes xD I’ll update the rules to this post. the details can be found at the gift center

If I can I will be at the grapple tourney