Did not wonna react to it but yes your guild name seems very similar but we friendly folks we see it as compliment
Noooo I’ll lose my ]I[ tag
Gotta defend my guild’s brand with the same vim and vigor as Walt friggin Disney!
- This post has been flagged for Copyright infringement by Walt Disney Corporation
Still, I don’t like the idea that people can do this at the moment. I know it’s going to be looked at, but apparently nothing will be done to the person impersonating my guild. I don’t want them to get a ban or anything serious but at least a message from the devs that this is just not ok to do would have been nice.
It gives me the feeling that we can basically do all kinds of nasty stuff in-game without any repercussions which I do find odd.
I’m wondering if a warning system should be added to the CoC. And I mean by that, that people who do something that’s not ok but does not warrant too much of a punishment that they get a warning. And perhaps a 3 strikes thing should be added?
What should happen then, beats me, perhaps a time out of sorts, on a forum that kinda works, but in game that does seem a little harsh
Anyone with bright ideas on such matters?