Fall Damage and Fall Armor

I am trying to figure out how Fall Damage is calculated and if Fall Armor actually does anything. I made a hunter build with max health. I noticed I was taking a lot more fall damage than when I had lower health. Switching between skill pages I confirmed that the more health you have, the more fall damage you take. Is it calculated by percentage rather than “points”

To try and mitigate my fall damage I put 5 points in Fall Armor. I thought it was bugged as it didn’t seem to make a difference. I did some testing and from the same falling point I would average around 4,400-5,000 damage without armor. With all 5 points in Fall Armor it went to around 4200-4600 damage which isn’t very helpful.

Are there other skill points that impact falling damage or is there something I am missing? It seems so weird to have fall damage change based on health (if that is how it is calculated?) and are 5 points of fall armor worth anything?

Thank you everyone!


I am not sure about how fall damage is calculated, but I do know that all people avoid fall damage by using the grapple just before impact. that will negate all fall damage.

Kind regards,


This is a big problem since the begining, yes fall damage is a % of your max health and armor only remove a tiny flat amount of that damage.

The skills will help to not die when you get headbutt but you still get a considerable amount of damage.

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Nope, better use those 5 points for something else.


AH! SWProzee I was just looking you up to see if you still play. I am just getting back into the game. Do you still host loot runs?

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Nope, I stopped playing long time ago and deleted all my beacons + Sov Worlds.


gotcha! I had a blast back when you hosted. Thanks for those good memories.


That explains a lot. Thank you

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But if your building on your home beacon really high up The Guild Buff Building Safety (Mega) is worth it seeing it negates 100% fall damage :cookie:


You are most welcome :slight_smile:


I use fall armour for my low health alts. Helps there.

Fall dmg works like lava. It is supposed to kill everyone the same way no matter how much HP.


I have been playing with full fall armour on my building skill page for a while now and I in my opinion it’s worth it. It does mitigate the full fall damage up to a certain point but does not do a lot once you are past that threshold. Once you played with it for a while you actually start noticing when you are on a skill page without it. At least that’s my experience :wink:


For hunting you could consider using a floating pie to lower the fall damage. There is also one of the gleambow items that gets rid of fall damage but it only last like a minute.
Other things to consider is the type of block you land on. Some blocks are harder then others causing more damage.


I had no idea different blocks had different hardness! I knew you could mitigate fall damage from trampolines and such but never thought of landing on grass vs stone (if that is an example). I will play with that. Thanks!

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Also landing on a sloped block shouldn’t give you damage. I think @Ovis may have made a video about it ages ago. But he’d be the person to give you more details on technical stuff like this.


Sloped blocks are a life saver lol .


I found that when using sloped blocks to negate fall damage, you don’t take damage from the slope block, but you do the impact on the ground block, as you’re flying at it at a 45 degree angle.

So if you’re using Ice as the slope, but rock as the ground after the slope, you’re likely to take damage from a great fall. But if you use Ice for the slope AND Ice for the 1 ground block after the slope, you shouldn’t take any damage… unless you slide right into a wall.

@Apt and I did a bunch of testing of different block types and the damage you take from them. We concluded that there is a “hardness” value given to each block type. Low being sponge, then foliage and thatch etc. Highest being Gem, some metal and rock. (I also think they gave Gold a lower hardness rating as its a soft metal… might be misremembering though).


yea i remember.
if you decided to aim for a gold block as a last hope for survival whilst you were plummeting to your death and someone transform-chiselled it to titanium before you hit, would that be considered griefing?


LOL. Nope, as you gave permission to that person on your beacon.

what if neither of us owns the beacon but we both have permissions?

…what if the other guy is me, but from the future?

some knowledge is too dangerous to share with the public… we saw things in that secret testing bunker… horrible things!