Farbevorkommen / Colorincidence for T1 - T6 EU/US/AUS Planets (Stand: 30.08.2019)

On this List you can see, which Block, Flower, Fungus an Coming soon Boulder it give how often, in which Color on normal Planets.

The same with Exo Planet coming Soon too


You can also use this one:

That’s what I am doing nowadays
But I guess yours is fine to :+1:


i don’t need the Name for Planets where anyblock in one specific Color is, than I use a Color Sheet.
With this List i what seen how oftern, one material, give on All Planets.

so i Build a Shop whit all NatureBlocks/-Flowers/-Boulders

and i this if any one can need it, he/she musst not made it new


Wow…what a project in the screenshot :open_mouth:

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