Farm examples

Just started making my fuel farm yesterday, so a work in progress / learning experience for sure. I used spark link over my lava to keep from falling in it when moving around.


The lava is sitting inside Marble blocks chiseled once with the square chisel to make a half block wide (and high) channel. Can walk all over this farm all day with no pain at all :smiley:


Think i will have to redo mine and follow your example =)

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You will only need to replace your lava channels with a chiseled block filled with lava as far as I can see.

I went a less efficient layout, at a guess returning perhaps 80 - 90% of seeds on average, but with yields varying from 100 - 150+%. (these are approximate numbers, not online right now)

Edit: In fact you could even use the corruption as your chiseled block and that will allow you another row of seeds in place of your corruption row.

Here is a quick farm I did, after work one day lol

(I need to rebuild my farming area, because one of my beacons died while I was at work…The rebuild will have more plants of course lol)


come to the united farmers probably 20 farms and they all different
inside ultima world hub take aquatopian empire portal
keep walking and use the aquatopian embassy portal
above you is a big stage in the aquatopian embassy hub and on that stage is a portal to the farming initiative

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Great idea, thanks!

I came for a look at your farm, impressive!

Was looking for tips on maxing kranut seeds, but looks like you have, as I had, just gone for 100% seed and not bothered with the iron placement?

Is that so, or am I missing something?

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I need to redo the kranut fields as, somehow the field is actually larger than all the rest when they don’t need to be (I’ll end up doing more oats instead).

I will see if I can optimise the Kranut fields for seed today.

Here’s my combustion fraction farm aboveground with plenty of sunshine, or moonshine.


BRGRtech has just released the newest of our innovations - the almostly™ lavafree combustion fraction farm!

Great for those who want combustion particles but not necessarily the liquid magma look, or just people who are inherently paranoid about slipping into the scorching slushy juice!

Added benefit, it goes 4 wide with full seed return :wink:

Edit- Whoops nevermind. We have now gone Fireless. Pics to follow


Do you have to fertilize for a good seed return and if so , how often (the stuff is expensive lol)

Does water being “near” increase the speed of Starberries growing?

NO fertilizer does NOTHING to increase the return for seeds or crops. It creates a chance on every plant it is applied to for them to mature faster. However it also can wear off a plant at each growth stage.


Not according to Mayumi’s great site

My farm in Anvil, Seginikai is quite well optimized for slightly positive seed production + good crop chances where possible. If you’d like to come and visit I’ll take the lock off the underground area.

The loc is (1476, 2036, 69) and the only building is the entrance to the underground farm area.

Everything is highly optimized except I’m lacking sufficient exotic earthyam seeds to experiment with, as well as not having enough bitumin to experiment with in regards to kindling mass. The combustion particle farm is unfinished as I need to farm the combusion particles the hard way to make the +crop compact combustion particles.

All of those ‘ridges’ have lava under them, and all but the gleam farm has chiseled-half-blocks under the lava. All of the water farms have chiseled half blocks of various seed-related or yeild-related blocks under them. The Kranut farm aboveground has chiseled half-blocks alternating between compact iron and amber (solidified primordial oil) - you’ll notice I don’t have enough amber to fully build that section of the farm.


Runegard farms :pick: builder DFlame


Yes I do. One for max crops and a bit more for seeds to compensate the loss of seed with max crops yield.

What is the best glosy and exotic starberries for seeds and crops? What is the best way to set it up? What does air mean?

I think this topic will answer all your questions for starberries Maximum Starberry Nerd Information