Farming Concerns

The problem is that it’s not sustainable. There isn’t enough passive income.

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I love this idea. Make the core of farming breeding better and better crops, not constantly having to gather more resources


I’ve tried a little bit of gathering in testing and although earthyams and starberries now won’t drop from the existing sources they are still collected from the new plants which drop the seeds too and starberries drop from new growths hanging in the trees which are easy enough to spot. So long as the Devs don’t make the new plants too scarce, like the great fibrous leaf depression soon after release of 1.0, then they should still be just as abundant …in fact if you want just starberries then you just have to find the growths rather than deforesting a whole area.


Enough passive income?
I feel like many people expect to get 10000 coins a day for doing nothing… now people are again suggesting/complaining to make game easier and faster with who knows what.
“I cant place my 500seeds in 2 seconds we need a 20x20 seedplacer” lol


I don’t need it to be completely self-sustaining but I would like the seed yield to be a tad higher than 67%. Am ok with having TO BUY some seeds after each harvast through my request baskets, but a third might be a tad much especially since they will be harder to gather than the end product is currently. You need to look for the plants that drop them, can’t go to a regen farm for them, etc. I really don’t want to have to start asking a higher price for my pies and breads…

The idea of being able to choose between a higher produce yield or a higher seed yield seems like a good one that even James seems to like. With that, one can, after lots of work and optimising the fields, have two fields going, one for seeds and one for the produce…

Even then I’m ok to have to replenish some seeds once in a while, just not 100’s or 1000’s at a time…

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All of this has concerned me since the first day we started hearing from people “well im taking a break till farming”. I think its safe to say this patch is going to make or break this game.

A lot of people in this game came from Minecraft which is heavily developed. It has polished its quality of life issues and these people have the same expectations for other survival games.

These people who are bored of boundless as is and are waiting for farming are not going to be easy to please and if it doesn’t live up to their expectations they will likely quit for good.

I hope i am wrong.


Does the gathering part have to be mandatory to have a farm? Can the yield bonuses be expanded more with gathering, rather than absolutely requiring it, like oort and meteor ichor.


This is what is killing it for me. The system is worse, efficiency wise, than both the old surface gather and AOE block farming systems. Having to continuously gather AND wait for crop growth seems at odds. I would rather be able to choose, gather or farm.


I want to stay open minded, I haven’t tested as I’m PS4, but I think am worried that it’ll become too heavy on grind, and this game is already grinding with the best of them, and kill the fun. I love this game so much and would hate not wanting to play because it’s more of a chore, than something that’s fun. I think waiting till it drops properly is the best bet. I have faith, for now, that it’ll work its self out in time. :wink:

If you have ever gathered the mats from surface gathering the grind matches that except you then have to wait for the seeds you gathered to grow to maturity before you can get your mats. This takes from 3-11 hours. Overall setup is not really that bad, basically you have to put in the same effort that people put in for public regen farms. Planting the seeds and harvesting the crops is not to bad on the small scale but becomes very tedious on a large scale. So basically you have slower surface gathering paired with the repetitiveness of regen farming.

If farming was meant to be a reliable, slower way of making sure you had some basic materials that mature while you do everything else, then I’d understand it.

Choosing crop yield vs seed yield would also be pretty interesting too.

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