Farming Flowers 🌷

They glow a lot better with fertilizer but you have to replant when they wither and the time remaining is just an estimate. They can either in a couple weeks or in 5. They don’t even wither all at the same time :pensive:


D: so plant only 100 Awwww


Can you pick them up and place them elsewhere? And if so, does the counter start from when they’re placed?

You can pick them and replant before they’re fully mature
And yes, the counter starts over

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Thank you. And one last question, sorry. Can I sell them on my shop stand? Thank youuuu!

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You can : )


That is awesome! Thank you so much. Have 10 :heart:


Not sure if you and coolpants were quite on the same page from reading these questions and answers… I sense a miscommunication has occured, apologies if this is not the case.

Once you plant your seed you can remove it and recover your seed if you do so before it reaches maturity. However once it is matured you cannot pick up the plant and relocate it.

You can only craft the seeds and sell those on a shop stand, not the plants themselves.


Thank you. Omg my heart is broken :broken_heart:. @james I really think these flowers need a rework. The work that goes into them doesn’t seem to tally up to how pretty they are. If they lasted longer or could at the very least be sold maybe there would be more interest in them.

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I think you’re right, lol. Yeah, what he said ^
Only before they mature.