Farming Trees

It would be nice to have the ability to grab seeds from various trees across the known Boundless Universe and take them to my lush planet and with various levels of effort (easy for simple trees / more work for big trees) grow them for harvest on my farm.

@James I know we don’t have tree growing/dying capabilities like Minecraft but it certainly might be nice addition to farming in the long run. Sure I can go to another planet and grab the tree, let it regen, repeat… but sometimes there are nice trees on other planets that I would actually want to see and have on my main home world - both to farm wood/leaves but many times for look and show.

Since we already have all the tree assets that help and I would be fine with a more simple generation process then having to create 3/5 “growth stage” assets for the tree as it grows. Since that would be a lot of work I’m sure we can find something a bit easier to help there.


Lol i alrdy see myself living in a scifi City but my own plot is full of pine forest


Trees! Yes give us trees! That would be so awesome


I agree with @krasniy GIVE US TREES!!! :slight_smile:


Definitely it would be nice to have tree seeds

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Yes trees for dayyyyyyys!

Growing trees would be cool. Perhaps would mature in 1 or 2 weeks. Would be interesting if anything.

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Would this be possible when/if blueprinting arrives? The “seed” could just be an extremely rare blueprint.

Edit: growth could be multiple blueprints which progress at a longer tick rate.

There are a lot of various technical challenges right now with blue prints and they aren’t even sure what a Boundless blueprint might look like or if it is a manual or automatic type build. There is no answer on how to move the data of the blocks across worlds, etc. So, personally, I would keep them separate feature requests.


While I would agree they are separate features. If it turns out not to be possible to “grow” a tree, when/if blueprints are released, maybe we could use them to blueprint a tree in the wild and then replicate it where we want it. Might be a work around.

totally agree on this

How odd, i was thinking of posting just this, as i have been trying to make a tree for a few days.

I suck at it!! Please let me grow one…even if its difficult and time consuming