
Most feats are reasonable, on the highest tier you need to have placed 1.000.000 blocks, which eventually happens after playing long enough. Maybe soil and other specific types need to be extra grinded, but doable.

Yet some feats are a bit huge methinks: While Week After Week V takes 50 weeks of playing to be achieved, which is still ok, Daily Occupation is only completed after doing the dailies non stop for 2 3/4 years :o
My favorite is Daily Collector V though, earning 2400 coins every week by completing all dailies and the weekly each you need 80 years and a month of not missing a single day to achieve :smile:

Is Coin Catcher V even possible? Looking how you get 12.100 coins for each Feat completed from I to V there might just not be enough feats to accumulate 10.000.000 coins from that.

Maybe look over those and bring them in line with other tier V feats?


I think these feats are meant for shopkeeper or sellers

I think the 1 Million block placed achievement is not realistic…

It would take a person 1 month non stop to simply count to 1 Million.
Placing 1 million blocks seems like a feat that is well just a big much…


But 80 years? I’d have to be playing Boundless every day until I am 103 years old to achieve this x)

I would prefer feats not being visible.

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not that hard when your build plot area gets big enough

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Yeah, well, 2000 plots full of nothing but for example soil… It is a lot, but doable if you set your mind to it, like building 3x3 towers of soil to the world border and then digging down with a 3x3 shovel again, rinse repeat… Just roughly 120.000 layers^^ I wouldn’t expect it to happen with regular playing tho, that’s true.

I calculate aprox 1.6 days to count to 1 million voicing it out loud (stopwatched myself going to 100) have to be ‘succint’ though like: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 …


In a year (and taking a 3 month break) I have placed almost 200,000 blocks. . so maybe averaging 22,222 blocks a month it would take 45 months or almost four years to place 1 million blocks. I am probably placing more now that I have reached a level 50+ so it would probably be less.

I have also chiseled over 67,000 blocks and placed over 1,000 plots.

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Oh man, I need to login and check what my stats are! … I’m scared at what I might see lol

It will probably be more than you think it is. .

Edit: I guess the feats will reset with the characters, so we will all be starting again anyway


It was actually a lot less than I thought it would be at 177,338 blocks placed, but I have 100k+ blocks chiseled and placed 1,613 plots.

Wood blocks placed seems surprisingly low though at only 302… I’ve placed way more than that in just one house alone.

Yep, everything will be reset when we start anew - it’ll be like we are just fresh born into this world :wink:

I show 0 wood blocks placed and 0 stone blocks placed. . so I guess I placed 200,000 gleam? it is obviously not working right. Hopefully it will after the reset since we will need the feat xp and coin to level.

An actual person attempted to count to 100,000 non stop it took that person 40 hours with no breaks…

Its a bit easier to say 1, 2 ,3 ,4 then to say One thousand, one hundered and fourty two…

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i don’t know how you are doing the math… but if feats like this are true to time then the devs need to change this or a lot of people will quit (feat collecters and etc)

10.000.000 coins / 2400 coins/week = ~4167 weeks = ~80.12 years

Looks like the correct math to me. . guess that is one feat I will not be getting.

you do know you dont just get coins from feats right??

They talk about feats counting daily/weekly bonus coins only.


ahh i did not read that… (only read feats list months ago… thought i knew them all)