ok so i am one of those forum readers who look at a post like this and reads through the OP in full… and then speed scans the rest in a second or two inpuuut… innnnpuuuut!
ok so here are my ideas (after reading Karoko’s post and coming here to read the full explanation)
- What should be purchasable/tradeable for real cash vs in game cash of XX (which you earn by leveling)?
.Plots (as in OP) i agree with this… not very useful to those non builders… but they always need a base-point on every planet right? maybe give those guys/classes 50 > 100 free with class plots… and then allow them to both be purchaseable one - with cash and two with coins (?) from other players - hence tradeable… (hey Mr. X i can’t afford $5 for xxx plots… and you cant afford $5 for XXX - how about i trade you my 1k coins of xx for 10 plots of yours? then you can buy your XXX)
.cosmetics (clothing/tattoos/names etc) this should always only be real cash
.Skill change - ok so i am slightly torn on this one - i think the first one or two skill changes should be free (hey im a nub… i don’t know what i enjoy yet… oh *&%^&% im stuck as a builder unless i want to pay $5! Bye game!) - however after the 1st one or xx free changes yes… again real cash purchase
.extra character slots (???) are they needed? I mean if we can still have 3 max then we can have three diff skill-sets and hybrid (if hybrid is going to be a real thing?) - if they are going to be implemented (extra slots) then real cash purchase
- thats all i have currently… and as for reward crates due to XX feat of XX they ofc should be free with the feat… and maybe add a little something random to them? (i know you want feats/leveling as flat as possible - but make it slightly exciting? if it can be done fairly ofc - to make it fair, maybe add a choice system where you have achieved xxx feat… you now have 2/3 crates to choose from… you can see everything in each crate… which one would you like?