Feedback: Rewards, long-term Monetisation and the Exchange!

I still fundamentally disagree more plots = more prestige or money for that matter. I just don’t get it and haven’t seen a convincing case as to why. Busy plots, shops and good gathering/hunting/mining runs make money.

I get that I could make a super large flat plot of cheap refined metamorphic and gain 150k prestige off say 30,000 blocks. That’d be simple and quick to lay. It wouldn’t gain me any footfall, but I’d still need to gather or buy all that. It’d be infinitely quicker for me to do that with compacted copper over a much smaller area. I’m not sure I could get a better prestige gain than a copper block (for the time to mine and lay it). - I found this by accident when I started using up all my excess copper to make a gorge through a mountain out of it. - It is also reasonably cheap and I like the shade of it.

For reference I am going by this still:

Not to mention I can actually earn decent money alongside gathering the copper/iron or whatever I am using.