Recently I have been testing the gold fist weapon. I have fallen in love with the fighting style compared to the sling bow and upgraded to the dlc to craft it.
In an effort to max out my potential on higher worlds I’m finding elemental resistance is my biggest challenge right now.
It seems to me that when I critical strike a mob it ignores the elemental resistance and allows me to do damage to the creature.
Can anyone confirm if the crit strike plays a part it allowing me to damage elemental creatures or is this just luck of the draw?
Are there any other ways to increase my efficiency when fighting elemental creatures?
This is Tonezone, owner of the Golden Fist Shop. I have a few fists which have a 100% critical chance. You can use one of these to test if it punches through elemental resistances.
Rng from my Observation. But yes albeit nerfed and not acknowledged as a tool i think it is a very good alternative for Fighting. The 1.5 sec cooldown makes it interesting at times…but then just equip 2 at the same time
creature’s resistance is a % chance to block ALL damage - when a creature resists your attack it doesn’t get any damage, no matter if your attack is normal or critical
creature’s armor reduces damage of your weapon - if it’s higher than your damage than the creature doesn’t get any (and that’s when your critical attack may make a difference)
you attack a creature with 30% resistance and 1000 armor and your weapon deals 800 (basic attack) or 1200 (critical attack)
FIRST, the creature have 30% chance to block your attack entirely; if that happens you won’t hurt it at all (0 damage)
IF the creature doesn’t block your attack, then the armor will reduce your weapon damage: in this example, if your weapon only hits for basic 800, the creatures armor (1000) will block everything; however, if your weapon hits for critical 1200, than the creature will get 200 damage (1200 critical - 1000 armor).
SIDE NOTE: elemental creatures blocking your physical damage will still display “element resist” message, even if you attack with none-elemental weapon (iron, gold, titanium); it’s actually resistance to physical damage that kicks in from what I know, but there seem to be no separate battle log entry for that and the elemental resistance message is used (the same as when you attack a toxic creature with emerald sling, or burning creature with a ruby one, and the creatures resist your weapon element)
for that use gem (elemental) slings that creatures have weakness to (so, chilling sapphire sling against burning creatures for example)
creatures weakness to a certain element works like resistance - it’s a % chance of getting additional damage (so your attack will deal extra damage every now and then, independently from your weapon critical chance: the battle log message will let you know when that happens)
Hey tonezone!! I visited your shop yesterday and purchased a fist from you haha. I love the shop. Didn’t have enough for the high end stuff but that’s a great way to test this idea out! Will be back again soon. Are you making any new stock? Thanks for the message
Here’s a resistance table that includes the new exo types for anyone interested:
It’s important to mention that this does not apply to fists! They bypass creature armor which makes them really good against cuttletrunks and to some extend spitters.
All elemental or special creatures have a 40% chance to resist physical attacks, but even then it’s sometimes still worth it to use fists as opposed to lower damage bows that have trouble bypassing armor on for example buffed up cuttletrunks which can go up to 4k armor on T7 worlds.
Another thing worth noting is that critical and elemental hits can actually stack for tons of damage. Whenever you use the “correct” element the chance to deal double damage is 30% as already pointed out, so with a diamond or ruby slingbow (both of which are the only bows that come with 20% crit chance for some reason) and maxed out agility, that gives you a 40% chance to crit, which results in a 12% chance to deal an elemental crit.
Here it’s 6% due to it being emerald:
In general I recommend carrying fists and a gem slingbow suited for the occasion, though personally I actually like carrying 2 pairs of fists, the extra pair being for long range cuttle and roadrunner sniping.
yeah, I always have iron fists with me - when I meet elite cuttles with a lot of armor I can’tt damage them with my emerald slingbow (my hunter has protection epic and I fall short of damage against the strongest mobs sometime), but I can get them with the fist
202k is very impressive, u using a maxed out shotty for that?
I prefer a long range heavy hitter fist and a gem shotty for the planet, it’s the best of both worlds with those two. Another way we find to get around armor are some rediculous knock back grenades. Bomb a hole under the portal, let everything fall in, and three concussive bombs down the hole will clear everything as it launches them into the walls and they take insane fall damage from it.
I don’t really bother with slingbows at all. For meteors, I go with dual busy bee, damage, and critical chance with mega speed brew to top off the rapid fire capability. It doesn’t matter if something is elemental with this setup since you can just blast away til the hits get through.
Interesting. I’ve wondered if I’m better off firing heavy shots, or twice as many shots that are half as powerful in half the time (given that x% of my shots are ignored from elemental resistance). I feel like twice as many shots might actually be better, need to do some science.
I’ve tried using busy bee fists without the extra damage, and it can be really hard to make a dent in those orange hp bars. I definitely recommend maximizing damage with almost any fist build.
I’m sure The Golden Fist sells what you need. At the end of the day, though, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in a good pair of gold fists.