Finally a statement on botting in Boundless!

The values will change over time based on the evolution of the economy

Why was this feature never implemented? Or did I simply misinterpret it, if the value of refined gleam/gleam doors declined over time then would this scripting/botting even be a thing still?

I knew gleam farming was a thing, but I had no idea the extent of it until today… and it made me think, is this the reason there is such a shortage/rarity of items in the game now?

Farmers are eating teaching pies, drinking speed brew and using forged hammers, then they are minting the gleam… printing money.

They are essentially minting sweet beans, hopper eyes, hopper cores, adrenal glands, etc. But can they really be blamed? It’s easier to make coin this way than it is to go out and gather sweet beans or to go hunting.

The effect is tripled, more resources are being burned, less resources are being gathered and more coin is being generated. This I feel is the true reason for the increase in prices and the rarity of certain items that are difficult to collect.

Players are welcome to Boundless however they please, and at the end of the day I’m sure a lot of the money goes through my shop, so why should I complain? But how does anyone ever hope to break into the market and start a forge store or a pie/brew store if they simply cannot get hold of the materials required to run such a shop?

But maybe this is as intended, the minter was supposed to create item demand for every item in game. However these twfew sentences… make me think otherwise.

The Chrysominter will not compete with the main player economy.

If you want to make serious coin - then best to find a request basket, setup a shop, or barter a direct trade

The machine will act as a last resort market maker. It will always buy your items.

This has become first resort for many, this is where newer players are making their first serious coin, not in request baskets or in a shop. It is directly competing with the market, it has be come the market.

I would be interested to know… is Serpensarindi the most player active planet in the game?