Finding colors

Another random survey because why not

"When I am looking for specific colors of blocks I… "

  • Cry because I have no idea how to find it
  • Run around random worlds hoping to find it
  • Use a web tool to find possible worlds and then check major hubs for portals
  • Use a web tool to find possible worlds and then scour every world I can find, hoping to find a portal
  • Use a web tool to find possible worlds and then scour every world I can find, hoping to find a portal or see that ■■■■■■■ in the sky
  • Other (plz explain)

0 voters


Wish more colors would unlock because usually the one I want is not available and I can’t do even a transform.


Expose my request in the trade tab on the forum so that a good soul realizes my wish :pensive::pray::smiley:


Voted “other”.

1- I use a web tool.
2- Look for a portal to the planet from famous hubs (TNT/GTG/Etc).
3- If I don’t find a portal quickly, using the same web tool I check which planet my destination planet orbits. I head to it, use a warp augment on the destination planet, and just warp there for a 100.


I just creep @RedY3 to see what colors to get. :rofl:


I invite people who warp on me to a duel with totems especially if they catch me mining rift or some other precious gem :rofl:


OTHER - since the colors i love are still locked, im checking every single appearing new sov, hoping there, checking colors, saving locations with best possible farm spots if there is color i dont have, mainly tangles, thorns, mud, asg, sponge, growth, etc, than farming few SS, asking friends if they want particular color, farming more just in case, removing loc from list, saving paper with world name just in case :slight_smile: and going for next sov :slight_smile: also checking every linked sov in soov walls or tnt gleam hubs for possible color changes :slight_smile:

if i want particulat color im asking friends if it is unlocked at sov and asking for color change :smiley: if its locked - just jumping on every new sov hoping for it being unlocked :smiley:

please - if you looking for particular color ask here at forum - either someone know where it is, or someone got in in their storage - we trying to help every time :smiley:
this community is really AWESOME :smiley:


I should have voted other too, that’s what I do - provided the the planets are all T1 :slight_smile:


once the color is unlocked it is available to all Sov’s.
Once you pick your color on this page it shows all resources in that color. Then click on the resource you want if available in that color and it will show which planets are supposed to have that color. Accuracy depends on when the last time it changed and was scanned. It will also show you which Homeworld it orbits so you can go find it if it is not in a major hub.

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What’s colors are those and for what blocks?

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This was my original intention with the “see that ■■■■■■■ in the sky” option, but I see that wasn’t souper clear.