Flag abuse! Flagger of a post should be public

I think flagging should require more than 1 flag to hide the post.

1st flag should notify a moderator for decision while the post is visible still

2nd flag is insta hidden.

This way one person can’t just come through and flag stuff they don’t like. If it’s an actual issue then more than one person should flag the post.


I’ve said my peace here many times.


It is a real shame not to have freedom of expression in this forum, but unfortunately, I think it is a losing battle. As you can see, in Western postmodern society, censorship is well regarded and freedom of expression is considered dangerous, it is considered offensive to break out of the “politically correct” consensus.

In the responses to the thread you can see what they recommend to avoid others censoring you: practice self-censorship :zipper_mouth_face:


:poop: all this!


I can say this guy only flags responsibility.

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That’s a paradoxical response almost haha

How the flagging system works

Public flagging would create more problems, and if there were offensive posts people would be afraid to flag those things, because they do not want to be harassed. Overall I think the system how it is, is fine. Everyone does have a freedom of expression on the forums.
If I flag, it is only on things that are offensive. Not based on opinions.

Edit: Back to work :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m sorry, but freedom of speech does not apply here. It’s not an open forum or a free-for-all. It’s a privately run forum funded by the game developers. It’s their platform, so it’s their rules.

You can see how freedom of speech would turn this forum into a wasteland of inconsequential mumblings if everyone just started to reply to a topic with meaningless drivel not related to the original subject matter.



Basically, if you have a high trust rate, you can insta hide any post with a single flag vote, even if your flagging is unnecessary.

This is the only place I’ve ever seen this.

I think that your response here is a little distressing, coming from a moderator.

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Me being a moderator has nothing to do with it. And I don’t know what you find distressing that requires a hollow response like that.


Moderators should be “above the fray” IMO

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There is no “fray”. It’s a discussion about a moderation function.


Ok Aenea I give up
You’re right. No point in having a discussion here.

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Huh? Why did you use my username there???


The system is designed for individuals who have developed trust on the forums to flag a post for moderation behind a single click. If you don’t get flagged all the time it takes more people. Its a way for the developers to recieve help in keeping the forums from getting crazy when they can’t be here. They are a small studio after and the game is rated for children.

Its also not very often I see a post that is flagged where I don’t see the reason for it. The ones where I can’t find the reason get unflagged by the developers. If someone thinks something needs to be looked at, then they flag a post and the devs can make the determination. If you make that information public, there are people in our forums who will harass them.


My two cents, flagging should stay as is. Flagged post get more traction anyway. A lot of nosy peep. :grin:

That said i see the points made.
But if this would chance imagine the cleanup that its going to take for the dev’s if it where not anonymous any more.

“You flag me, i flag you”.


If they do this, and the moderators disagree then they loose reputation and in the future when they flag a post it is not hidden. So while someone might get away with it once, they would not get away with it again and the post would have been restored by the moderator anyway.


Nah, they get several “freebies” for wrong flags as long as their reputation is high enough.

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And what is your point here? If someone has a high reputation for flagging appropriate items and does flag a few that should not have been flagged the system lowers their reputation and soon enough they cannot hide a post anymore with their single flag, what really is the harm? It is not like the post cannot be read until the developers remove it. And if someone is abusing it, then they are cut off. Maybe they should ban the players posting inappropriate items from the forums instead? Or reduce the number of posts a players that is continuously posting off topic can make?


Wonder how long before this is thread is declared worthy of busting out the popcorn. Not a dig at you btw, just this topic depends into a rantfest or complaints about infringement of freedom of speech (addressed and does not apply)