Flash Mob

So this is probably a dumb idea…but hear me out :ear:

I like the idea behind what you’re going for. There has been much doom and gloom lately. The few topics about people leaving have shown me just how many people are still very much alive and kicking :grin:

So bringing it to their attention is a wonderful gesture! Ok, now starts dumb idea…

So the flash mob would be cool, but my thought is that it would only been seen by the folks attending each zone, and MAYBE a dev or 2 live. Sure, there’d be user logs and screenshots to remember it by, but what about something more permanent?

My thought is a sovereign planet thats big enough that all those who wanted could set 1 plot as a representation of their presence. Could be anything, mine would have a sign that says “Hi, my name is Rob, and I’m a Boundless-a-holic” :rofl:

Could be built in a window, and supported by maybe a Patreon or something…sorry for writing a book, coffee kicked in, lol


I created a poll to gauge interest here:

We can work out the details if it garners enough interest. If there is enough interest, I can organize a place to gather ideas and input and put that together and then maybe we can vote on ideas. Let’s see how much interest we gather and go from there.